Encounters - Page 3


The Humanoid Encounter Of Lech Chacinski

A truck driver, while on his way to work in the early hours of a summer morning in August 2003 would happen upon three strange humanoid figures in the road. After a telepathic exchange with these apparently benevolent beings, they would disappear into their waiting disc-shaped craft. Amazingly, where the seemingly otherworldly vehicle had been were now several crop circle-like indentions…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 11, 2020
Last Updated
September 3, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
5 min read

The Villa Santina Extraterrestrial Encounter – More Evidence Of Alien Reconnaissance Missions?

An encounter with the apparent occupants of a disc-shaped craft in the Villa Santina area of Italy in the summer of 1947 is one that remains open to debate as far as the authenticity of the account. It is, though, an account only weeks after the Roswell incident and the Kenneth Arnold sighting, that features some intriguing details that would show up repeatedly in other accounts in the coming decades…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 3, 2020
Last Updated
January 17, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
13 min read

The Filiberto Caponi Alien Encounters

Just what should we make of the Filiberto Caponi – a case where an entire family would witness, on different occasion over several months would allegedly witness a strange creature and ever offer photographic evidence of it, no less. However, the main witness would eventually go back on his statements, claiming that he had manufactured the “alien”, even though the sightings themselves were real…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
January 25, 2020
Last Updated
September 4, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
32 min read

UFO And Alien Encounters Of A New Year Kind

Much like the Christmas period, and pretty much any other holiday or festival celebrated here on Earth, UFO sightings continue regardless. And that perhaps is the lasting notion from such incidents around any holiday period. That no matter how important such festivals and traditions may be to us, they are of little consequence, it would appear, to these alien visitors. And that could very well mean, so are we…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
December 30, 2019
Last Updated
July 17, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
10 min read

UFO And Alien Encounters Of A Festive Kind

When most of us think of Christmas, whether the big day itself, or the anticipation of Christmas Eve, or even the weeks leading up to it dragging yourselves around the shops to purchase gift after gift for loved ones and relatives, UFO and alien encounters are most likely to be one of the last things to come up in most of our minds. The fact is, though, UFO sightings continue right the way through the festive period…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
December 23, 2019
Last Updated
July 17, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
11 min read

The David Eckhart Alien Encounters

The apparent alien abduction encounters of David Eckhart and his family are ones that divide opinion in the UFO community. Are the claims nothing more than a hoax? Or are they the result of a genuine and significant contact encounter? And if so, in the big scheme of the UFO and alien question, what might these bizarre encounters mean…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
November 10, 2019
Last Updated
September 4, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
17 min read

UFOs, Aliens, And Celebrities

Many people see UFOs and claim to have encounters with alien visitors from other worlds. However, when these encounters happen to people who are well known, the general and collective reaction is somewhat different from the general populace. There are, it would appear, several reasons for this. And part of our eventual understanding of the UFO and alien question very well could be dependent on our collective understanding of why this is, as well as why these encounters might happen to those who a little more well-known than most…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
October 27, 2019
Last Updated
March 19, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
19 min read

The Lake Okeechobee Alien Encounter

The case of Richard Giroux – otherwise known as the “I am Darius” case – is one that very much divides opinion within the UFO community. Not least due to the fact that anyone who wishes to have access to this life-changing information must be willing to pay for it. And this isn’t merely intriguing takes on situations but allegedly knowledge that holds within it the ultimate fate of all mankind…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
October 12, 2019
Last Updated
September 4, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
19 min read

The Carp Contact Case – Genuine Alien Interaction, Or Outright Hoax?

The alleged UFO crash in Carp, Ontario, Canada in November 1989 would come to the attention of UFO researchers via a mysterious “contact” who went by the name “Guardian”. He would reveal not only the crash itself, but some startling revelations of future events to come and the real workings of the behind-the-scenes showdowns on the world stage. The claims are, however, dismissed by many in the UFO community as a mere hoax…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
August 16, 2019
Last Updated
September 4, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
7 min read

The Eagle River Incident

The case of Joe Simonton in Eagle River, Wisconsin is one that divides opinion in the UFO community. Is it one of a simple hoax? Or is the encounter genuine, and one of the most intriguing of its kind on record? It is one that also boasts physical evidence. Just what should we make of the incident otherwise known as the Space Pancakes case…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
July 14, 2019
Last Updated
September 4, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
16 min read

The Carlos Diaz Close Encounter

The encounter of Carlos Diaz is one of the most fascinating encounters on record, not least because of the persistent and repeated contact events. And the photographic and video evidence that he would provide to back up his claims. Despite this, opinion is split as to the authenticity of the claims. Just what happened to Carlos Diaz just outside of Mexico City...?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
June 14, 2019
Last Updated
September 4, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
7 min read

The 1972 McChord Air Force Base ET Battle

A close encounter incident that would unfold at a military facility only several miles away from McChord Air Force Base in the state of Washington comes to us from an alleged one-time United States military veteran. It is an account that many people struggle believing the credibility, despite the fact that many details appear to check out as being credible and genuine…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
June 7, 2019
Last Updated
September 5, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

The Bizarre And Intriguing Johnny Sands Humanoid Encounter Case

An incident on the outskirts of Las Vegas in the opening weeks of 1976 would feature a country-western singer encounter two alien humanoids is one that still fascinates UFO researchers today, almost 50 years later. Perhaps that is due to the fact that Sands has passed lie detector tests concerning the encounter. Or because, secondary, corroborating witnesses would also see the UFO as it left the area…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
May 31, 2019
Last Updated
September 5, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
8 min read

The 1971 Virginia “Giant” Occupant UFO Case

Two bizarre and strange sightings in the early summer of 1971 in Frederickson, Virginia remain unexplained today almost half a century later. What’s more, when other strange incidents are examined that happened during the same time period, it appears there may be a connection between these seemingly random and one-off encounters. A connection that might offer explanations as to just what resides behind these mysterious encounters…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
May 11, 2019
Last Updated
September 5, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
7 min read

The Boulder Mountain UFO Landing – The Wartena Case

A landing incident of a UFO in the early summer of 1940 is perhaps one of the earliest, and the most important, UFO encounters in UFO history. Not only is it another incident that pre-dates Roswell, but it also fits in perfectly with accounts that would follow, particularly in the United States over the coming decades. The Boulder Mountain incident is as intriguing as it is mysterious…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
April 26, 2019
Last Updated
September 5, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
7 min read