
Whether it is accounts of Bigfoot, legends of huge monstrous sea creatures, or bizarre entities bordering on the paranormal such as the Mothman, our world is full of strange creatures that, to many people, belong in tales of folklore and legend. However, there are a small abundance of documented sightings and encounters on record that suggest we share our world with many bizarre entities and beings that lurk in shadows of our existence, except on those occasions where our paths cross.
Might it be possible that these unknown creatures have managed to avoid modern science, existing completely separately from the modern world? Might their presence have a more supernatural origin? And why do many of these mysterious entities seemingly have connections to UFO sightings and encounters?
Although it is an area of study and research that is frowned upon by those in the mainstream who consider it a pseudoscience, there is a real reason to conduct serious research and investigation into the mountain of claims of sightings and incidents that continue to perplex and intrigue researchers and enthusiasts around the world.
Like other areas of the unknown, should we collectively be able to shed some light in the cryptozoology corner, it will very likely light up others areas of intrigue have also frustrated researchers and investigators around the world for not just decades but, in some cases, centuries…
- Bigfoot Encounters (3)
- Bizarre Entities (9)
- Sea Monsters (3)
- Strange Beasts (6)
The Extraterrestrial Giants Of The Solomon Islands?
The Solomon Islands have some of the most scenic, paradise-like terrain on the planet. They are also home to some of the most intriguing and thought-provoking claims of strange creatures and mystifying aerial objects in the world. And these claims go back centuries, to the time of ancient legends – legends that the local population insist are historical fact as opposed to mere stories…
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- March 28, 2024
- 11 min read
The Other You – Unsettling Accounts Of Strange And Menacing Doubles
Just what should we make of the notion of doppelgangers really existing – strange doubles of ourselves seemingly separate from our own bodies. The fact is there have been accounts of these strange “others” going back centuries. Might our understanding of these entities lead us to understanding not only the paranormal, but our own reality…
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- July 11, 2023
- 20 min read
Lurking Beneath: Beasts And Monsters Of The Sewers And Underground
Every city and town has an extensive networks of tunnels running underneath it, and with them are an abundance of legends of beasts and strange humanoids who seemingly call these networks home. From strange Bigfoot-like creatures to overgrown and mutated animals, to creatures with an extraterrestrial-like quality to them, the sewer networks and underground tunnels around the world are home to some of the most intriguing and chilling encounters on record…
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- November 14, 2021
- 13 min read
An Alien? A Demonic Entity? Or A Horrific Beast? – The Enfield Monster Incident
In the early 1970s, in and around the southern Illinois region, several strange outbreaks of sightings and encounters with unnerving beasts were reported, with perhaps the most well-known being the Enfield Monster sightings. Not only do each of these incidents remain unexplained almost half a century later, but they may have connections to other, apparent one-off incidents with strange creatures in other locations across America…
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- May 2, 2021
- September 29, 2021
- 19 min read
Supernatural Entities From Another Dimension: Legends Of The Djinn
Legends of the Djinn are little researched in the Western world. However, in the Middle East, not only are they well-known, but many, many people believe in their genuine existence. When we examine accounts of the Djinn, we begin to realize that they mirror alien abduction, hauntings, and encounters with shadow people. Might examination of the legends of the Djinn shed light on many aspects of the paranormal and the supernatural…?
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- January 23, 2021
- September 30, 2021
- 15 min read
- 3
The Yeti – The “Other” Bigfoot: The Legends, Origins, And Sightings
When most people think of Bigfoot they most likely think about the North American continent and the menacing creature that patrols the deep forests of the region. However, the Yeti – or the Abominable Snowman – sometimes known as the “other” Bigfoot roams the snowy mountainous regions of Eurasia. And there are at least just as many sighting and encounters on record….
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- December 7, 2020
- September 29, 2021
- 12 min read
- 1
Legends And Accounts Of The Loch Ness Monster
The legends of the Loch Ness Monster are some of the most well-known and enduring in history. Is there really an unknown aquatic beast-like creature lurking in the waters of Loch Ness? Perhaps even a family of creatures that have last for generations? There have been plenty of studies and searches, but the fact is, Nessie remains a mystery even today…
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- May 16, 2020
- September 30, 2021
- 23 min read
Monstrous Creatures Of The Deep
The idea of huge, gigantic aquatic beasts lurking under the icy waters of the world are nothing new. Many stretch back hundreds of years, while others have been persistent in our psyche since the keeping of records became much more widespread among all levels of the population in the 19th century. Just what might creatures might reside in the many bodies of water on our planet…?
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- April 18, 2020
- September 30, 2021
- 21 min read
The Sasquatch Abduction Encounter Of Albert Ostman
Most of are familiar with Bigfoot or Sasquatch accounts from the modern era of the late 1960s onwards. There are, however, many such accounts stretching right the way through history. One of the most interesting of these is that of Albert Ostman, a prospector who in 1924 not only witnessed a sasquatch, but was kidnapped by such a creature and spent almost a week with a “family” of them…
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- April 14, 2020
- September 29, 2021
- 7 min read
The UB-28 And UB-85 Incidents – Encounters With Sea Monsters?
Much like UFOs, aliens, and Bigfoot, tales of strange and monstrous beasts lurking in the world’s seas and oceans are thought by most to be nothing more than myths and legends. However, there are many accounts on record that claim to be true events. Just what might these strange aquatic beasts be…?
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- April 6, 2020
- September 30, 2021
- 7 min read
- 1
Bizarre Tales Of Demonic Black Dogs Around The World!
Many of us will have likely heard of legendary black dog sightings which often appear out of nowhere with glowing red eyes, to boot. Many put these apparent sightings to nothing more than legend and folklore. However, when we examine some of the many accounts on record it becomes obvious that there is much more to them than mere legends and stories…
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- January 17, 2020
- September 29, 2021
- 8 min read
- 3
The Shadow People – Aliens? Ghosts? Or Entities From Another Dimension?
Sightings of the Shadow People, at least according to some researchers, are increasing across the world. What might these strange, dark, shadowy entities, where do they come from, and are the claims of increased sightings something of concern to all of us? Many people believe these strange sightings have connections to aliens. Others claim they are evidence of other dimensions and interdimensional beings. Whatever they are, descriptions of them from witnesses are drastically similar in detail, suggesting that something very strange is indeed at the cause of these most bizarre sightings…
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- March 11, 2019
- September 30, 2021
- 11 min read
- 9
The Bigfoot Files
Legends of Bigfoot – beastly man-like creatures, possessed of great strength beyond what we could imagine – go back to the dawn of time. Indeed, it would appear that these animal-like creatures have been on Earth at least as long as the human beings. Where do they come from? What do they want? And what does their presence mean in the big scheme of things? What exactly should we make of the claims of Bigfoot…?
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- February 24, 2019
- September 29, 2021
- 23 min read
The Black Flash Of Provincetown
Many researchers into strange phenomena and creatures have pondered just what was behind the Black Flash sightings of 1939 in Provincetown, Massachusetts, as well as the uncanny resemblance to the Spring Heeled Jack sightings, which began almost a century earlier in Victorian England. While some claim the sightings to be nothing more than a hoax carried out by four local boys, other details suggest this in itself is merely a cover to contain a creature the authorities had little control over…
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- January 12, 2019
- September 30, 2021
- 6 min read
Legends, Folklore, And Accounts Of Werewolves And Shapeshifters
Not only can legends of werewolves and creatures who can manipulate and change their form be found all over the planet, they literally go back to the beginning of time itself, with even some of the accounts of the gods describing how they take the shape of an animal and then change back again. What should we make of such legends? And does the fact that modern accounts continue perhaps suggest these legends may have a certain degree of truth to them…?
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- November 30, 2018
- September 29, 2021
- 29 min read