From distant aliens in a galaxy far, far away to aliens that have visited Earth - this topic covers them all. In this category, we analyze, provide insight and discuss various topics that are most interesting and exciting.
You don't have to be a "believer" to read the articles here - you may even turn from skeptic to believer once you jump down the rabbit hole and discover a lot more about these topics.
Of course, some UFO encounters go a lot closer than a mere sighting. From apparently friendly encounters with humanoid occupants of “flying saucers” to the terrifying ordeals of alien abduction, the accounts are in abundance. More so, in fact, than some people might think.
Whatever does lie beyond the UFO question, extraterrestrial entities from another world is certainly one of the main options. However, what might “aliens” be?
For some researchers, and as you will find in some of the articles here to which we direct your attention to their work, what we understand as aliens may be something completely different to what even the most open-minded person might be able to imagine…
- Abductions (66)
- Agendas (28)
- Encounters (75)
- Reptilians (8)
Code Orange: The Outlandish Claims Of Alien Entities At A British Military Base
There have been many accounts of top-secret government programs involving extraterrestrial entities. Without a doubt, though, one of the most intriguing and thought-provoking is one that revolves around an alleged program named Code Orange, a program that involved alleged aliens from the Roswell crash being transported to a secret location in the United Kingdom in order that a specially assigned unit could communicate with them…
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- August 30, 2024
- 21 min read
The Alien Contact Encounters Of Pierre Monnet
The alien contact encounter of Pierre Monnet is, without a doubt, one of the most thought-provoking on record. It was also just the first of this cosmic communication that would take place over the years that followed. If there is any truth, if only in part, in what Pierre Monnet claimed, then it would force all of us to review what we believe to be our collective reality…
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- July 8, 2024
- 11 min read
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Something Happened On The Road: The Steven Kilburn Extraterrestrial Encounter
When Steven Kilburn approached UFO researcher, Budd Hopkins, in 1978 about a strange drive home he experienced five years earlier, he didn’t expect to uncover not only a sighting of a UFO but a harrowing case of alien abduction. Through hypnotic regression, Hopkins and several other UFO investigators managed to unlock not only one of the most interesting cases of alien abduction but arguably one of the most credible and potentially one of the most important in terms of the intricate details it contained…
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- June 10, 2024
- 19 min read
The Burbank UFO Landing: A Forgotten Encounter In The Middle Of A UFO Wave
When a UFO landed in a backyard in California in the fall of 1973, the only witnesses to the bizarre events were a four-year-old boy, his two-year-old brother, and their pet dog. However, the boys’ father, a serving police officer, who witnessed the aftermath of the curious events, managed to extract enough information to be able to put together a rough timeline of events that unforgettable morning…
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- April 3, 2024
- 9 min read
Encounters Across Generations: The Ahrens Family Alien Abduction Case
The Ahrens family didn’t discover they had been abducted until over a decade and a half after their first encounter took place in 1976. However, when they did finally uncover the full details of that incident, Dan and Joyce Ahrens found that it was not only they who were involved in these harrowing encounters, but also their two children. In fact, the more details they discovered the more disturbing the encounters experienced by the family appeared to be…
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- March 24, 2024
- 13 min read
Missing Time And Hybrid Beings: The Disturbing Alien Abduction Encounters Of Terry Matthews
Although Terry Matthews had been abducted by aliens on multiple occasions throughout her adult life, she wasn’t fully aware of this until decades later after several hypnotic regression sessions with veteran UFO and alien investigator, David Jacobs, revealed some truly disturbing encounters and experiences. What’s more, it appears that these abductions are just one of many that contribute to an overriding agenda to create a race of alien-human hybrids – hybrids that one day in the future, at according to some, will take over humanity completely undetected…
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- March 13, 2024
- 10 min read
Alien Bases In The Mountains! The Remarkable Remote-Viewing Revelations Of Pat Price
In the early 1970s, with the CIA’s remote viewing projects still very much in their early stages, remote viewer, Pat Price, made some startling claims to his superiors – that many of the world’s mountains contained extraterrestrial bases, including one on American soil, Mount Hayes in Alaska. When these claims were investigated further following his sudden death, it appeared there was more to them than many people might have thought…
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- March 7, 2024
- 12 min read
The Bone-Chilling Alien Abduction Revelations Of Mabel White
The claims of Mabel White are both thought-provoking and alarming in equal measure. According to her, not only are alien abductions real, physical events, but they are part of a long-term hybridization program looking to create alien-human hybrids that can not only survive and flourish right here on Earth, but also on their own planet. If there is any truth and accuracy to her claims, then what might this mean for the future of humanity..?
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- February 29, 2024
- 8 min read
Guardians For Eternity And Reincarnation: The Bizarre Alien Encounters Of “Kim”
An apparent alien abductee known only as “Kim” had strange experiences with equally strange entities since she was a young child. However, upon seeking hypnotic regression to get to the bottom of these bizarre encounters, she unlocked memories and insight into the world around us, and quite possibly the very nature of our universe…
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- February 29, 2024
- 9 min read
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Truly Bizarre And Obscure Encounters With Mysterious Humanoid Entities
Encounters with mysterious humanoid entities have taken place since the beginning of the Modern UFO era, and even long before that. There are quite literally thousands of encounters on record from around the world. So many, in fact, that we have to conclude that, whatever or whoever these entities might be, they are very real. Just what might their agenda be, and is it one that is beneficial for humanity, or detrimental for all of us..?
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- February 6, 2024
- 13 min read
The Bayside Marketplace Incident – Another Alleged Encounter With 10-Foot-Tall Aliens?
In the opening days of 2024, news footage began to circulate online of a particularly heavy police presence at the Bayside Marketplace in downtown Miami, Florida, apparently a response to a fight between rival teenagers at the mall. However, not only did some people find this response to a brawl excessive, they also found it unlikely. And when some people began to report seeing “10-foot-tall” aliens at the mall at the time of the police response, many began to contemplate just what had taken place that New Year’s Day evening…
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- January 25, 2024
- January 24, 2024
- 4 min read
The Fake Alien Invasion Theories – A Genuine Concern Or Nothing But Nonsense?
There are many theories and suggestions constantly in flux in UFO circles, some more believable and credible than others. One claim, however, that a dark government elite is planning to use UFO reports and encounters in order to stage a “fake alien invasion” is without a doubt one of the strangest, interesting, and most divisive…
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- January 14, 2024
- January 15, 2024
- 7 min read
The Truly Bizarre Ann Dolphijn Humanoid Encounter
In the winter of 1973 in the Netherlands, Ann Dolphijn encountered three strange humanoid figures outside her home in the middle of the night. The incident was widely reported on at the time, and many UFO investigators took an interest in the case, with several explanations being put forward. Despite this, the case remains unexplained over half a century later…
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- January 6, 2024
- 9 min read
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The 1939 Extraterrestrial Encounter Of Vicente Lucindo
An apparent alien abduction encounter from 1939 is not only one of the earliest recorded abductions on record, but it would result in information being passed to the witness that would result in he and his family benefitting financially. Just what happened at the base of a mountain in Brazil that evening remains a mystery, and truly a unique encounter…
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- January 3, 2024
- 7 min read
Followed Home From The Lonely Roads: A Truly Terrifying Alien Encounter!
The UFO and alien encounters of Grace Askew are truly terrifying. From having a strange aerial object follow her along a quiet road to them seemingly following her home and entering her property, the encounters are surprisingly little-known despite their intriguing, unsettling, and detailed nature. Just what happened to Grace Askew and will these seemingly otherworldly entities return again..?
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- November 7, 2023
- October 29, 2023
- 6 min read