Encounters - Page 2
- Abductions (66)
- Agendas (28)
- Encounters (75)
- Reptilians (8)
The 1972 Saint-Jean-du-Gard Humanoid Encounter – One Of Many UFO Incidents From France
A UFO and humanoid encounter from the early 1970s in France is intriguing as the witness didn’t quite realize just what she had experienced until well after the incident was over. What’s more, there were many other such encounters from France around the same time, suggesting that this part of Europe is a genuine UFO hotspot…
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- September 24, 2022
- 16 min read
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From Bright Lights To Suddenly Appearing Figures: Lesser-Known UK UFO And Alien Encounters
There are many UFO sightings that most people in UFO circles are aware of. However, the fact is, there are a plethora of lesser-known UFO incidents and encounters with humanoid entities from the United Kingdom – encounters that go back decades, at least until the start of the Modern UFO era. And while these encounters, examined on their own, appear to be of little consequence to the overall UFO picture, when examined together, begin to show similarities that put them in a slightly different light…
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- July 22, 2022
- 28 min read
Mind-Bending Alien Contact Cases From The Ural Region
There are many alleged cases of alien contact from around world every year, each of which is as different as they are intriguing. However, without a doubt, some of the most mind-blowing on record come from the Ural regions of Russia. What’s more, many of these incidents were documented almost immediately after they occurred as opposed to…
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- June 22, 2022
- 15 min read
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Little-Known Soviet Encounters With Humanoid Entities From The Cold War Era
There are many, many UFO and alien encounters from Russia. However, throughout the Cold War under the Soviet Union, there were several particularly intriguing encounters with humanoids. Indeed, while many other parts of the world were seemingly suffering abductions at the hands of grey aliens throughout the seventies and eighties, the territories of the Soviet Union appeared to attract a different alien race altogether…
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- June 15, 2022
- 21 min read
Two Very Different Alien Encounters From Twenty-First Century California
While encounter with aliens have taken place in California long before even the start of the Modern UFO Era, many of the most intriguing have unfolded in the opening decades of the twenty-first century. And what’s more, these encounters are often very suggestive of alien abductions. Ultimately, whatever is behind the alien abduction phenomena, its presence remains very much with us today in our contemporary world…
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- June 1, 2022
- 15 min read
The UFO Landing Encounter Of Rosa Lotti: Alien Contact In The Cennina Woods
The encounter of Rosa Lotti is one of the most well-known UFO and alien encounters in Italian UFO history. What’s more, many other encounters with similar details occurred throughout Italy around the same time, perhaps making Lotti’s account all the more credible. Just what did she witness in the woods that November morning…?
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- February 1, 2022
- 23 min read
If They Are Not Aliens…? Other Possibilities For The UFO Phenomena
Most of us would automatically associate UFOs with alien beings. However, the fact is there are many other possibilities, and they range from the reasonable to the bordering on outlandish. They are, though, until solid proof of what these strange vehicles are and where they are coming from is available, all as valid as each other…
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- September 26, 2021
- 7 min read
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The Talavera Le Real Air Force Alien Incident – One Of Many 1970s Spanish UFO Encounters
During the 1970s, much like in other parts of the world, Spain experienced an apparent surge in UFO sightings, many of which also featured encounters with strange humanoid entities. Just one of these took place at the Talavera le Real Air Force Base in Badajoz, Spain, and featured three military personnel who encounters just such a humanoid entity. Just why Spain experienced such a wave of sightings is uncertain. Perhaps it is its location near the Mediterranean Sea, or perhaps it is due to reasons we are yet to understand…
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- July 23, 2021
- March 27, 2022
- 31 min read
The Bizarre UFO Encounter Of William Wallace And Other Cases Of Alien Paralysis
What perhaps makes the UFO encounter of William Wallace all the more intriguing is the apparent use of an unknown technology to temporary paralyze him. And while this perhaps seems like a detail more at home in science-fiction, claims of such paralysis during close proximity UFO sightings and even alien abduction are more common than we might think. In fact, it is perhaps a technology that we should contemplate with a more serious mind in the event that one day such technology might fall into the wrong hands, or indeed used on humanity en masse…
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- July 18, 2021
- March 27, 2022
- 27 min read
Ted Owens – A Modern Miracle Worker Created By “Super Intelligences”
The psychic abilities of Ted Owens, including the ability to predict future events with extreme accuracy, are perhaps some of the best examples of such a gift on record. However, for various reasons these bizarre achievements are little-known outside of paranormal and conspiracy circles. Even in the UFO community, which should perhaps have an interest in the case, Ted Owens’ experiences are not as well-known as we might think…
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- June 16, 2020
- September 3, 2020
- 7 min read
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The Flatwoods Monster UFO Incident
For a long time, the Flatwoods Monster incident was thought – even by most in the UFO community – to be a case of a meteor sightings that coincided with a bizarre misidentification of a common barn owl. However, in the early 2000s, a new body of research would enter the public domain, and would cast a slight element of doubt as to how credible, or indeed accurate such accepted explanations were…
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- May 30, 2020
- September 3, 2020
- 21 min read
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The Alien Occupant Encounters Of Mary Starr And Suzanne Knight
Two occupant sightings of the 1950s share almost identical details, despite taking place five years apart. This would suggest that the same intelligence was behind these brief but intriguing close encounters. And there are almost certainly other accounts on record that share at least some of the details also. That each account took place during UFO waves is perhaps also of interest…
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- March 31, 2020
- September 3, 2020
- 6 min read
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The River Weaver UFO Humanoid Incident
A little-known UFO encounter in January 1978 in Cheshire in England is an intriguing encounter for several reasons – not least as it might have been an incident of cattle mutilation. The incident had four separate witnesses, however, all wished to remain anonymous, mostly as they were illegally poaching at the time events unfolded…
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- March 19, 2020
- January 29, 2021
- 6 min read
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The Tragic Death Of An Alien Humanoid In 1955 Sweden?
A bizarre incident from Sweden in 1955 would remain untold for over three decades after it happened. And even then, was told to one person only by the anonymous witness who then disappeared as promptly as he appeared. If there is any truth to the incident, it would not only corroborate many other similar incidents on record, but would also lend a big deal of support to such notions as the ancient astronaut theory…
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- February 28, 2020
- September 3, 2020
- 9 min read
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The Ontario, Trout Lake “Grey Alien” Picture – Authentic? Or Hoax?
When two adult sisters vacationed together at Trout Lake in Ontario, Canada, the last thing they expected to see was a UFO. Furthermore, when they developed photographs from their time away several months later, they would notice what appeared to be a “grey alien” in one of them in the background. Just what did occur that July evening in 2005 in their cabin by the lake...?
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- February 24, 2020
- September 3, 2020
- 7 min read