Aliens - Page 3


The Fraser Island Humanoid Encounter – Contact On The Beach!

A little-known UFO and humanoid encounter from Fraser Island in Australia is one of the most intriguing as it forces us to question just what is behind such encounters and why they might be happening. Furthermore, Australia has had numerous UFO sightings and reports in the twenty-first century alone, making it one of the most likely places in the world to spot such an aerial anomaly…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
December 21, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
19 min read

The 1972 Saint-Jean-du-Gard Humanoid Encounter – One Of Many UFO Incidents From France

A UFO and humanoid encounter from the early 1970s in France is intriguing as the witness didn’t quite realize just what she had experienced until well after the incident was over. What’s more, there were many other such encounters from France around the same time, suggesting that this part of Europe is a genuine UFO hotspot…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
September 24, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
16 min read

Reptilian Creatures And Underground Facilities – The Encounter Of Marc Brooks

Is there a connection between top-secret underground facilities and reptilian entities? As bizarre as such a notion might be, there are many encounters on record with these strange creatures, and a great many of them take place near or in caves – caves that are thought to lead to an intricate network of tunnels and underground bases…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
September 9, 2022
Last Updated
October 26, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
9 min read

One Of The Darkest Cases Of Repeat Alien Abduction – The Harrowing Encounters Of “Susan”

The encounter of “Susan” from Wales in the United Kingdom is one that if there is any grain of truth to it, should be a huge concern for all of us, for it suggests that human beings are nothing but cattle or even a commodity to an alien presence from elsewhere. And what’s more, it would appear that a gritty and brutal scenario awaits humanity at some point in the near future…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
August 26, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
18 min read

Do Extraterrestrials Render Abductees Invisible During Alien Abductions?

Although it might sound bizarre – even to those in the UFO community – but the notion that alien entities have the technology to render those they abduct invisible is one that has been seriously explored by some. And what’s more, it would help explain why some people appear to have suffered abductions in the middle of the day in full view of multiple people…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
August 19, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
18 min read

The Bizarre And Unnerving Alien Abduction Claims Of Elsie Oakensen

The encounter of Elsie Oakenson is one of the most intriguing claims of alien abduction on record, not least as researchers are still not absolutely certain an abduction took place. It certainly appears that the 50-year-old schoolteacher experienced something strange on her drive home from work in November 1978, not least because of the corroborating accounts of others who witnessed the same object at the same time…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
July 27, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
17 min read

From Bright Lights To Suddenly Appearing Figures: Lesser-Known UK UFO And Alien Encounters

There are many UFO sightings that most people in UFO circles are aware of. However, the fact is, there are a plethora of lesser-known UFO incidents and encounters with humanoid entities from the United Kingdom – encounters that go back decades, at least until the start of the Modern UFO era. And while these encounters, examined on their own, appear to be of little consequence to the overall UFO picture, when examined together, begin to show similarities that put them in a slightly different light…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
July 22, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
28 min read

Mind-Bending Alien Contact Cases From The Ural Region

There are many alleged cases of alien contact from around world every year, each of which is as different as they are intriguing. However, without a doubt, some of the most mind-blowing on record come from the Ural regions of Russia. What’s more, many of these incidents were documented almost immediately after they occurred as opposed to…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
June 22, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
15 min read

Little-Known Soviet Encounters With Humanoid Entities From The Cold War Era

There are many, many UFO and alien encounters from Russia. However, throughout the Cold War under the Soviet Union, there were several particularly intriguing encounters with humanoids. Indeed, while many other parts of the world were seemingly suffering abductions at the hands of grey aliens throughout the seventies and eighties, the territories of the Soviet Union appeared to attract a different alien race altogether…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
June 15, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
21 min read

Encounters With The Night People: The Unsettling Alien Abduction Of Paul Sinclair

The encounters of Paul Sinclair with mysterious entities he would come to call The Night People are some of the most intriguing and thought-provoking on record. What’s more, they perhaps offer corroboration to recent theories that what we understand as extraterrestrials could, in fact, be trans-dimensional beings made of pure light…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
June 8, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
13 min read

Two Very Different Alien Encounters From Twenty-First Century California

While encounter with aliens have taken place in California long before even the start of the Modern UFO Era, many of the most intriguing have unfolded in the opening decades of the twenty-first century. And what’s more, these encounters are often very suggestive of alien abductions. Ultimately, whatever is behind the alien abduction phenomena, its presence remains very much with us today in our contemporary world…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
June 1, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
15 min read

The Dubno Alien Abduction Case And Ukraine’s Long History Of UFO Encounters

The story of an abduction of an entire family from Dubno in the Ukraine is without a doubt one of the most fascinating and intriguing UFO encounters on record. The fact is, however, Ukraine has more than its fair share of UFO tales to tell – accounts that go back over half a century, at the very least…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
April 12, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
23 min read

Alien Contact Or Paranormal Happenings – The Encounters Of “Julie”

The bizarre case of a “Julie” from Carlisle in the United Kingdom could be one of reptilian alien abduction just as much as it could be a poltergeist haunting. Stretching back to her childhood, the young woman has experienced two decades of unsettling and chilling encounters, often involving shadowy, ghostly entities…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
March 7, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
10 min read

The UFO Landing Encounter Of Rosa Lotti: Alien Contact In The Cennina Woods

The encounter of Rosa Lotti is one of the most well-known UFO and alien encounters in Italian UFO history. What’s more, many other encounters with similar details occurred throughout Italy around the same time, perhaps making Lotti’s account all the more credible. Just what did she witness in the woods that November morning…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 1, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
23 min read

Resonating Details Of The UFO And Alien Question

There are many, many UFO and alien encounters on record. And what’s more, there are many repeated details to be found in many of these reports. So many, in fact, that it allows to build at least a partial picture of what lies at the heart of the UFO and Alien question, albeit a speculative one. What is perhaps certain, is that whatever might be behind these accounts, it is certainly something very real, in one way or another…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
December 30, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
21 min read