UFOs - Page 21
- Close Encounters (102)
- Cover-Ups (86)
- Sightings (101)
- Waves (30)
The Berwyn Mountain Incident – The Earthquake That Wasn’t!
An incident in January 1974 was officially declared as an Earthquake combined with a small meteor strike by Welsh authorities. However, a combination of research, whistleblowers, and eventual declassified documents would suggest that this official view was far from the truth. It would appear that a UFO crashed into the mountains that evening. And what’s more, a distinct military presence would suggest something of significant importance had taken place…
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- May 24, 2017
- October 14, 2021
- 14 min read
- 3
The Extraordinary 1982 Ota Air Base UFO Incident
The morning of 2nd November 1982 would see three experienced Portuguese Air Force pilots involved in a midair UFO encounter. The pilots would manage to take in intricate details of the strange saucer-like craft. And when UFO investigators took hold of the case they were assisted by an unprecedented approach from the Portuguese Air Force Chief of Staff releasing to them all UFO files under his charge…
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- May 8, 2017
- October 11, 2021
- 4 min read
The Kalahari Incident – A Bizarre Truth From Forged Documents
What makes the Kalahari Incident even more intriguing than it is already, is the eventual revelation that the papers that originally arrived with UFO researcher and investigator, Tony Dodd, were proven to be completely fake. The incident, however, when Dodd would enquire, would appear to be an authentic one. As well as investigating the case, Dodd would endeavor to find out why the whistleblower chose to send faked documents of a real account…
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- May 3, 2017
- October 14, 2021
- 6 min read
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UFOs, Abductions, And Strange Goings-On: The Mysteries Of Hudson Valley!
Throughout the eighties and the early-1990s, UFO sightings over the skies of the Hudson Valley were a regular occurrence. Many were captured on film and photographed. And many were the subject of extensive UFO investigations. While many believed the sightings had ceased, strange activity in the twenty-first century would suggest they have begun again. If indeed they ever stopped in the first place…
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- May 1, 2017
- November 9, 2021
- 45 min read
The Strange Tale of Tom Preston – UFOs In The North Atlantic?
An incident in 1963 on board a Royal Navy Ship off the coast of Norway would see a strange object suddenly appear on their radar. What’s more, it would then break the surface of the ocean and dive deep below the water, eventually disappearing out of range. It is just one of many accounts of UFOs emerging from or disappearing into the waters and oceans of the planet…
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- April 20, 2017
- September 8, 2020
- 5 min read
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The Exeter Incident – What Did People See In The New Hampshire Skies?
Multiple witnesses would report seeing a UFO in the skies over Exeter, New Hampshire in the early hours of 3rd September 1965, including a journalist and several police officers. While authorities would do their best to downplay the incident, it would appear something truly strange was unfolding. When some UFO researchers made a connection with the east coast power blackouts two months later the case took on another intriguing turn…
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- April 19, 2017
- October 14, 2021
- 13 min read
The Cash-Landrum Case – One Of The “Most Important In History!”
While driving home to Dayton, Texas on the evening of 29th December 1980, Vickie Landrum, her grandson, and her friend, Betty Cash, would experience one of the most terrifying and, in terms of the affects, far-reaching UFO encounter in history. One that would not only involve an apparent alien craft, but a discreet, secretive, military presence suggesting another level to the UFO phenomenon…
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- March 31, 2017
- October 11, 2021
- 6 min read
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The East Coast Power Blackout Of 1965 – Were UFOs To Blame?
In November 1965, the entire northeast coast of America, as well as several states on the south east district of Canada would suffer a series of blackouts, plunging their respective cities into temporary chaos. When reports of strange lights in the sky began to surface, it didn’t take too much of a stretch of the imagination to put the two strange events together…
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- March 30, 2017
- October 14, 2021
- 5 min read
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Is The Kecksburg UFO Crash And The Nazi Bell Connected?
One of the most fascinating conspiracies of the Nazi regime was that they managed to make a “Wonder Weapon”, Die Glocke, or the Nazi Bell. These revelations would come to light in the early 2000s following an investigation and book by researcher and author, Igor Witkowski. It wouldn’t be long before some researchers looked to a strange bell-shaped UFO that crashed in the woodlands of Kecksburg, Pennsylvania in 1965…
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- March 30, 2017
- January 29, 2024
- 6 min read
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The Livingston Dechmont Woods Incident – A “Criminal Investigation” Of A UFO!
When truck driver, Robert Taylor, left his vehicle to walk his dog, he came across a strange object in a clearing in the woodlands near the roadside. He would approach the object only to be seemingly knocked unconscious by whatever intelligence was behind it. When he came to and eventually returned home, he would report the incident to police, forcing them to open an investigation…
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- March 28, 2017
- October 12, 2021
- 11 min read
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The UFO Conspiracy Revelations of NASA Astronaut Gordon Cooper
Astronaut, Gordon Cooper is an American hero, there is no doubt about that. One of the county’s finest, bravest, and most accomplished astronauts and overall pilots, to say his statement carry weight would be an understatement. So, then, what should we make of his claims of not only witnessing extraterrestrial crafts with his own eyes, but of his belief that the US government is actively covering up evidence about such things…
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- March 27, 2017
- October 14, 2021
- 4 min read
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The Japanese Airlines Flight 1628 UFO Encounter
Perhaps one of the most important UFO encounters on record, if only because the main witness was a highly respected and experienced aircraft pilot. While on its way to Paris, from Tokyo, and while passing over Alaska – an area full of conspiracy in its own right – a huge mothership-like craft would appear right in front of the Japanese Airlines flight…
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- March 12, 2017
- October 14, 2021
- 5 min read
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The Bizarre And Forgotten Broad Haven School UFO Incident Of 1977
In February 1977, at Broad Haven School in Wales, a UFO was witnessed by 14 school children. What’s more, six of them would even claim they had seen a humanoid pilot with a silver suit and “odd long ears!” It was an incident that would eventually bring the eyes of many interested parties on it. Including those of the Ministry of Defense…
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- February 21, 2017
- October 12, 2021
- 20 min read
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The Mystery Ghost Rockets Of Scandinavia
In the years that followed the Second World War, particularly over Scandinavia were sightings of strange “ghost rockets”. While these sightings appeared to be limited to the late-1940s, sightings that have come into the public arena since show that similar sightings have occurred in the region across the decades. And what’s more, the sightings are still an absolute and complete mystery…
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- February 14, 2017
- November 14, 2021
- 5 min read
The Delphos Ring And Strange Cases Of Physical UFO Evidence
In November 1971, on an otherwise quiet farm in Delphos, Kansas, a strange craft would appear out of the night sky and land in a field on the Johnson property. Upon investigating the landing spot the following day, a strange circle was visible on the ground where it stood. While it is perhaps one of the most famous cases of a UFO leaving physical evidence behind, it certainly isn’t the only one…
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- December 4, 2016
- October 12, 2021
- 10 min read
- 2