The Berwyn Mountain Incident – The Earthquake That Wasn’t!

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
May 24, 2017
Last Updated
October 14, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
14 min read
Posted in
UFOs, Cover-Ups

The events of 23rd January 1974 over the Berwyn Mountains in Wales were nothing more than an earthquake, that just happened to coincide with a meteorite landing at the same spot as the epicenter - at least according to the military. To anyone who is local to Llandrillo, there was no doubt a UFO crash occurred and the military covered it up. UFO researchers and investigators, however, would treat local people’s claims seriously. When declassified documents finally found their way into the public domain in the early 2000s, it would seem that they were correct.

Berwyn mountains.

Berwyn mountains.

The incident is even more remarkable in terms of how it fits with other sightings in the area. Perhaps even more so when you include the sightings... have reached the limit of articles available to read for free this month. 

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Marcus Lowth

Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. He has been writing and researching with over 20 years of experience.

Marcus has been Editor-in-Chief for several years due to his excellent knowledge in these fields. Marcus also regularly appears as an expert on radio talk shows including Troubled Minds and Unexplained Radio discussing these topics.

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  • Gary Davis says:

    Try reading “The UFOs That Never Were”. Jenny Randles et al. do a masterful of dismantling “The UFO Crash in the Berwyn Mountains.”
    I know, from personal experience, how easy it is to spread an unsubstantiated rumour that, because of its spectacular nature, spreads “Halfway around the world before the Truth can put its trousers on.”
    One need only look at cases from WWII. RAF pilots insisted that they had encountered the Heinkel 100 type. Such reports began during the Battle of Britain (1940), and continued until at least the Desert Campaign in 1942.
    In fact, the Heinkel 100 — with a top speed of 400+MPH (the Hurricanes, 109s and Spitfires of 1940 could achieve (320, 350 and 345 MPH, respectively), was ridiculousy difficult to control. It never entered Service, its place taken by the slower but more reliable Bf109.
    The “Heinkel 100” was the result of a well-worked propaganda scheme by the Luftwaffe. And Trained, EXPERIENCED airmen reported not just sighting them or in dogfights with them, but actually shooting some down.
    In fact, such planes that crashed on land were 109Es, Fs or the new Focke Wulf 190 A series.

  • Tom Davis says:

    On Berwyn, Scott Felton has demolished most of Kellett’s claims.
    The local health authority have said they have no records of a cluster of childhood leukaemia cases in the area.
    Trucks carrying armed soldiers were seen moving through Corwen several hours BEFORE the “earthquake”.
    The BGS doubted there had been a earthquake, described by them as “enigmatic”, so they distributed thousands of questionnaires, knocked on doors, interviewed witnesses, in a search for further information.

  • Phil Cotton says:

    VERY interesting article to myself….
    I’m a believer, had an experience in the early 80’s between Buxton& Leek opposite “The Roaches” formation of rocks.
    Seen 3x UFO’s darting around together in the area of sky over East Midlands Airport area in 2012.
    And…. took some clear night time starry sky pics actually “on” the Welsh “Mach Loop” circuit last September and got 1 pic of a shillouetted Triangled craft with 3 dim.whiteish lights along the 2 main Sides of it…. and this was NOT in my naked eye’s view of that part of the sky when i was taking pics with my phone camera but it HAD blocked out the bright star Saturn at the time of taking it.
    I haven’t put this pic on ANY social media as I don’t want to put it out there at least until I have seen other pics that resemble how it looks…

    If you should wish to see it you are more than welcome to get in touch to discuss it further.

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