UFOs - Page 15


The 1992 Southaven Park UFO Crash

The apparent crash of a UFO in Southaven County Park in Long Island, New York, is one that would seemingly lead to a dark conspiracy of government cover-up, false accusations, and wrongful imprisonment. What’s more, these events are still quietly rolling on today nearly three decades later. Is the Southaven UFO crash and the accusations that followed it the ravings of, as the courts ruled, a “delusional” mind? Or does it point us in the direction of dark, shadow governments and the secrets they protect…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
January 19, 2019
Last Updated
October 13, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
7 min read

The Trans-en-Provence UFO Landing

A single-witness sighting in France in January 1981 may well have been lost to the void of forgotten history if it hadn’t have been for the physical evidence left behind by the disc-shaped craft that, albeit very briefly, landed in a field near to the property of Renato Nicolai, whose real identity, incidentally, initially remained a secret due to the very specific French privacy laws. Just what did land that evening in Trans-en-Provence? And does it share connections to other, similar sightings…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
January 14, 2019
Last Updated
October 6, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

The Fort Monmouth UFO Incident

The Fort Monmouth incident, which took place over two days in the skies of New Jersey in September 1951 is an incident that not only is rich in up close and most likely largely authentic and up-close UFO detail, but goes a long way to laying bare the true nature of the US government’s approach to the UFO and alien question…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
January 13, 2019
Last Updated
October 13, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
17 min read

Was The 2002 Kentucky UFO Train Collision Genuine Or A Hoax?

An apparent collision between a cargo train and a disc-shaped UFO in January morning in 2002 is a case that continues to divide opinion in the UFO community. While some insist the report is nothing more than a hoax, others point to the use of specific “railyard language” as a means of proving its authenticity. Just what did happen just outside the old Paintsville railyard in the early hours of that cold January morning…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
January 10, 2019
Last Updated
October 6, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

The Shari Adamiak Las Mitres Mountains UFO Report

A CSETI UFO field investigation in December 1994 in Monterrey, Mexico not only saw two respected UFO researchers make contact with an alien entity, but it was a contact of the kind that is against the usual grain of abductions and experiments, perhaps most associated with “The Greys”. The incident is without a doubt one of the most intriguing on record…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
January 7, 2019
Last Updated
October 6, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

Best & Most Intriguing UFO And Alien Encounters Of 2018

2018 will surely go down as one of the most active UFO years, at least in terms of attention from the mainstream media who would pick up on several particular UFO encounters throughout the year. Whether that means there is more of an acceptance of such incidents, or whether, as some believe, such coverage is in anticipation of some kind of disclosure is open to debate. Whether we can expect more of the same in 2019 remains to be seen…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
January 6, 2019
Last Updated
July 20, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
21 min read

The “Forgotten” UFO Incidents Of The Loch Raven Dam

Baltimore, Maryland is very likely not the first place most of us might think of when we think of UFO hot spots. However, the Loch Raven Reservoir, and more specifically, the Loch Raven Dam, just to the north of the city, has played host to multiple sightings over the decades dating back to the early-1950s. What is perhaps strange is that despite this, there is very little written or discussed about the incidents. Might this be a purposeful decision by the powers that be…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
January 3, 2019
Last Updated
October 25, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
7 min read

The Rendlesham Forest Incident

Often referred to as “Britain’s Roswell”, the Rendlesham Forest incident in the immediate aftermath of Christmas 1980 is one of the most documented and intriguing UFO cases on record. And the incident is much more than just a sighting. The encounter saw the apparent craft from another world land in the middle of the woodland of Sussex, twice, in front of multiple witnesses. That something happened is surely beyond doubt. The real question is, why…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
December 30, 2018
Last Updated
October 13, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
17 min read

What Was Actually Going On Over Gatwick Airport?

In a year where several UFO sightings have made the mainstream news platforms, an incident over the skies of Gatwick Airport in London, one that forced a complete standstill in operations for 36 hours right in the run up to the Christmas rush, may be another such incident. Although it was first claimed that drones had caused the standstill, with even two arrests being made, the suspects were soon released, and the claims of drones were quickly softened. Just what happened over Gatwick Airport in December 2018…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
December 24, 2018
Last Updated
October 13, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
5 min read

The Baffin Island UFO Sighting – Yet Another Pilot Report

When airline pilots make reports of UFOs, the general public tend to pay a little more attention than they might otherwise. During 2018, several such sightings found their way into the mainstream news platforms, the most recent over the skies of Baffin Island in Canada’s Nunavut region. When you consider that strange sounds have been reported coming from under the icy waters in the same area since 2016, it makes such sightings all the more intriguing…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
December 17, 2018
Last Updated
October 25, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

The “Black Boomerang” UFO Of Poughkeepsie

In the summer of 1985 multiple residents of the town of Poughkeepsie witnessed a “black boomerang” shaped UFO make its way through the skies and then hover near the building of the Poughkeepsie Journal offices. Instead of breaking the “story of the century”, journalists and photographers were informed their coverage of the sightings wouldn’t be required. Or welcome…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
December 15, 2018
Last Updated
October 25, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
8 min read

The Cold War Soviet UFO Recovery Missions

The Cold War environment would provide for both the Soviet Union and “The East” and the United States of “The West” with ideal cover to conduct their clandestine operations. Not least those that revolved around UFO sightings, and more specifically, the alleged recovery missions of apparently downed alien craft in several destinations behind the Iron Curtain. With the fall of the Soviet Union in the early-90s, more and more reports would begin to leak out into the west, some of which would make for very interesting reading indeed…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
December 7, 2018
Last Updated
October 13, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

The 1986 “Height 611” Dalnegorsk UFO Crash

An incident that is labeled by some in the UFO community as the “Roswell Incident of the Soviet Union”, an alleged UFO crash in mining town of Dalnegorsk in January 1986 remained unsolved, despite several initial and extensive investigations into the incident on Izvestkovaya Mountain. Is this yet another case of a cover-up of evidence of extraterrestrial life visiting our planet…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
December 3, 2018
Last Updated
October 13, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

The 1967 “Flying Cross” Sightings Of The United Kingdom

A sighting of a “cross-shaped” UFO one morning in October 1976 by a former flight administrative officer while walking his dogs in the Moigne Downs countryside of southern England would soon progress to a short burst of similar sightings around the entire United Kingdom. What’s more, 1967 was already proving to be a busy year for UFO sightings, with three times as many reports coming in to police than the previous year…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
December 1, 2018
Last Updated
November 14, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

The 1977 Fostoria Incident – UFO Sighting On The C&O Railroad

In October 1977 in Fostoria, Ohio, two experienced rail workers would have a close encounter, featuring communitive interaction, with a disc-shaped craft apparently under intelligent control while making their way along the C&O railroad. The incident, which is still without an adequate explanation, occurred near the already mysterious Lake Eire, a hot-spot of sorts for UFO activity and bizarre phenomena…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
November 28, 2018
Last Updated
October 6, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read