Supernatural: Folklore

For most people, myths and legends from folklore are merely stories, often with hidden morality tales in order to pass lessons on down the generations. Indeed, before written records, these “oral traditions” were the only way such legends survived and were remembered.
However, there are some researchers that suggest – at least in some cases – that these legends and myths have a certain degree of truth to them. And what’s more, they might be the remnants of memories from an age all but forgotten, perhaps from such mysterious lands as Atlantis, and intriguing times when “the gods” ruled the planet and walked among humans.
Might many of the tales from folklore really tell of a time long before our own accepted beginnings on Earth? Might there really have been a lost advanced civilization who are recalled still, thousands, perhaps millions of years later, through the creation stories and mythology of various countries around the world, many of which share very distinct similarities to each other?
Perhaps a serious study of the tales of folklore might reveal more truths about our history and existence than we currently realize…
- Disappearances (11)
- Folklore (22)
- Ghosts & Hauntings (32)
- Time & Reality (24)
The Lost Twin From The Other Side: The Disturbing Encounters Of “Amber”
“Amber” had experienced unsettling and inexplicable events since she was a young child – as did her friends, who would often see what was, essentially, her doppelganger. As she grew up, while these encounters became fewer and further between, they still happened, culminating in her attempting to finally make contact with this mysterious entity…
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- October 12, 2024
- October 11, 2024
- 6 min read
The Terrifying Urban Legend That Blurred Into A Paranormal Killing!
The legends of the Bunny Man are without a doubt some of the most creepy, mysterious, and darkly alluring in history. Furthermore, over time, these urban myths have blurred into real life murders and strange deaths, creating something that straddles the gap between the brutality of the real world, and the enigmatic mysteries of morose folklore…
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- July 23, 2023
- 14 min read
The Slender Man: From Urban Legend Across The Blurred And Brutal Lines Of Reality
The Slender Man legends are truly unique for several reasons, not least that we are able to track the absolute beginnings of the character and continue to monitor and examine the growth of the urban legend that has captivated minds across the Internet for decades. Also of interest, however, is despite the solid evidence that the Slender Man is entirely fictional, many people insist he is real, and sometimes this belief has tragic consequences…
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- January 4, 2022
- 20 min read
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Terrifying And Disturbing Legends And Folklore From Japan
Like many places around the world, Japan has a long history of myths, legends, and folklore. And what’s more, many of these legends persist throughout Japanese culture in the modern era. Ranging from vengeful ghosts and spirits, to modern Internet rituals and dares, and even to the very real and harrowing location known as the Suicide Forest, there are many intriguing and, at time, grim legends to examine…
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- March 7, 2021
- October 3, 2021
- 24 min read
Legends, Myths, And Folklore Of Hawaii
Hawaii is a fascinating and beautiful place, of that there is no doubt. It is also home to some of the most mysterious, intriguing, and disturbing legends anywhere on the planet. Ranging from hauntings, shapeshifting entities, and deities from antiquity who test the loyalty of the population in the modern age, Hawaii really is a unique location…
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- June 13, 2020
- October 3, 2021
- 18 min read
The Mystery Of The Count Of St. Germain – A Vampire? Time Traveler? Or Simple Fraudster?
The tales and accounts of the Count of St. Germain are some of the strangest on record. What made this enigmatic gentleman stand out so much? Why did he travel to various places around Europe, always moving in the highest of social circles? And what should we make of the rumors that would surface over a hundred years after his main exploits in America, amid rumors that he was a vampire…?
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- June 12, 2020
- October 3, 2021
- 7 min read
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Legends Of The Night Marchers Of Hawaii
Of all the mysterious and intriguing legends that come to us from the stunning landscapes of Hawaii are those of the Night Marchers, said to be the manifestations of warriors from ancient times. However, not merely “just” ghosts of the kind that might just walk through you, but ones that should you get in their path, the consequences could just be deadly…
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- May 19, 2020
- October 3, 2021
- 7 min read
The Mystery Of Kentucky’s Blue People And “Blue Beings” From Antiquity!
Kentucky in the 19th century. And what’ more, there were several more documented cases stretching right back to the mid-1970s that have since been explained by science and medical advancement. Perhaps even more intriguing are the accounts of blue-skinned gods from antiquity. Might these legendary gods be ancient humans with the same or similar condition…?
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- May 5, 2020
- October 3, 2021
- 6 min read
Truly Strange And Bizarre Locations
There are numerous paranormal hotspots around the world. But why do they exist? What makes these locations special? Why are paranormal events in abundance in here? Essentially, if we can understand these events we will most likely understand such things as UFOs and all manner of paranormal events…
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- May 2, 2020
- October 3, 2021
- 15 min read
Mythology, Folklore, UFOs and Aliens
Folklore and legends are full of apparent accounts of UFO and alien encounters – at least according to some perspective, particularly those who are familiar and subscribe to the ancient astronaut theory. Might it be that there is much more truth to the many myths and legends from ancient times…?
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- March 29, 2020
- October 3, 2021
- 17 min read
The Ancient Alien Origins Of The Wandjina Mythology?
Much like other ancient cultures around the world the Windjina of Australia appear, to some, to have their origins intertwined very much around the ancient astronaut theory. Might it be that the Aboriginal culture really did descend from beings that came down from the sky, started the world, and then taught humans all they needed to know about civilizations…?
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- March 2, 2020
- October 3, 2021
- 7 min read
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The Bone-Chilling Case Of Mercy Brown
Throughout most of the nineteenth century, the northeastern regions of the United States were in the grip of a “vampire panic”, with such fever and fear of the undead seemingly most prevalent in Rhode Island, considered to be the “Vampire Capital of America”. Perhaps the most chilling and well-known of these accounts is that of Mercy Brown, a 19-year-old who the townsfolk and even her own family believed was rising from the grave and killing the remaining members of her family…
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- January 4, 2019
- October 3, 2021
- 6 min read
The Far-Reaching Mystery Of The Marfa Lights
The Marfa Lights have baffled and enthralled Texans and visitors to the Lone Star State for over a century, very likely much longer before the written records of the area. And what’s more, they continue to appear over the same stretch of land today as they always have done. Whether there is a UFO connection, or whether the lights are the result of tectonic activity causing a release of energy we don’t yet full understand, the Marfa Lights remain unexplained…
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- January 2, 2019
- October 3, 2021
- 6 min read
The Shadow Snatchers Of The Kentucky Caves
The Kentucky caves are the largest such underground terrain in the world. Perhaps it is no surprise, then, that with this large open under world, comes a plethora of chilling tales stretching back hundreds of years, with their roots in witchcraft and the covens that once resided in and around the ancient cave systems. Perhaps specifically to the Kentucky caves are legends of the Shadow Snatchers who lay in wait in the underground darkness for a body to complete them once again…
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- December 29, 2018
- October 3, 2021
- 6 min read
The Unexplained Min Min Lights Of The Outback
The outback of Australia is some of the harshest terrain on the planet. It is also home to some of the strangest phenomenon, one of which is the Min Min Lights, strange orbs that appear out of nowhere and approach those traveling through the area, sometimes, following them for a considerable distance. While there are hundreds of encounters on record, nobody knows for sure what they are, and if there is an intelligence behind them…
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- December 22, 2018
- October 3, 2021
- 6 min read