UFOs - Page 2
- Close Encounters (102)
- Cover-Ups (86)
- Sightings (101)
- Waves (30)
A Close Encounter On A Lonely Road In Denmark – The 1995 Jutland UFO Encounter
A strange encounter on a lonely road in the Jutland region of Denmark in the summer of 1995 would not only feature a UFO come within 10 feet of the witness’s vehicle, but it would incapacitate it completely, as well as leaving his pet dog, who was traveling with him, in a severe state anxiety and nervousness. What is of further interest, is an almost identical incident occurred, also in Denmark, almost exactly a quarter of a century earlier…
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- February 20, 2024
- 7 min read
An Unrecalled Multi-Person Alien Abduction? The Falkland Hill UFO Encounter
A UFO landing event in Scotland in September 1996 remains one of the UK’s most thought-provoking and, at times, harrowing UFO incidents in history. Not only were there multiple witnesses to the events, but the encounter unfolded over three separate incidents within a matter of hours. Just what happened that night remains a mystery, but the suggestion of alien abduction is a distinct possibility…
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- February 18, 2024
- 16 min read
From Bizarre To Deadly: UFO Encounters And Animal Reactions
Although it is a detail that is perhaps not at the forefront of UFO investigators’ minds when examining UFO encounters, the reactions of animals is something that is more widespread and common than we might think. And not only that, taking cattle mutilations out of the equation for a moment, many more animals, ranging from cattle to family pets, have had encounters with otherworldly objects that have proven tragically fatal…
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- February 4, 2024
- 15 min read
The Almost Forgotten 1972 John Bruinier UFO Encounter
In the winter of 1972 near Soesterberg in the Netherlands, John Bruinier awoke to what would be one of the most remarkable and mind-blowing nights of his life. Not only did he witness what he believed to be a UFO land in a clearing near to his home, but he also witnessed an apparent occupant of the craft. Although the incident has almost been forgotten today, it could be one with further secrets still to reveal…
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- February 1, 2024
- 11 min read
The Rasanac UFO Incident – The “Probable” UFO Landing Case
In the summer of 1971 in a small town in Yugoslavia, an apparent UFO landing encounter unfolded, and was witnessed by seven people from two different locations. What’s more, the investigation that followed would reveal several other encounters in the same location, some dating back decades. Further still, only two years previously, another similar incident unfolded, this time just outside of Barcelona. Could it be that these seemingly isolated encounters were connected..?
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- January 24, 2024
- 10 min read
More Than You Think: Lesser-Known UFO Sightings With Photographic Evidence
Many people, even outside of the UFO community, would recognize some of the more famous UFO pictures. However, contrary to popular belief, there are many more photographs of objects potentially from another world than most people would think. So many, in fact, that we might question why the subject of UFOs is not taken much more seriously…
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- January 18, 2024
- 16 min read
Otherworldly Objects And Special Forces: The Josie Zwinenberg UFO Encounter
Josie Zwinenberg witnessed a UFO in the summer of 1979 while riding her horse in the woods near her home in the Netherlands. Over four decades later, the incident would be brought to forefront of her mind following an unsettling “chance” encounter with a mysterious bed and breakfast owner in Ireland…
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- January 13, 2024
- January 26, 2024
- 11 min read
The 1945 Padilla Ranch UFO Crash – Another Covered-Up Retrieval Mission?
An apparent crash of an otherworldly vehicle on a ranch in New Mexico in the summer of 1945, only days after the unleashing of the atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, was not only witnessed by two young boys, but they also secretly watched the military clean-up and retrieval operation. And while the military brushed off the object as nothing more than a weather balloon, there is ample reason to believe the mystery object was indeed of extraterrestrial origin…
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- January 10, 2024
- 12 min read
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The Strange But Compelling John Lennon UFO Sighting
In the summer of 1974, one-time Beatle and singer-songwriter, John Lennon, witnessed a UFO hovering close to his penthouse apartment in New York city. Although the sighting itself is interesting enough, later claims suggested that this was not Lennon’s only encounter with entities from elsewhere, and that he might have been abducted many times…
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- January 9, 2024
- January 7, 2024
- 7 min read
Multiple Witnesses And Physical Evidence: The 1974 Port Coquitlam UFO Landing
A UFO landing encounter in the summer of 1974 in British Columbia, Canada was witnessed by three young boys, with the landing site later investigated by a neighbor, where physical evidence was found of the strange object’s presence. Furthermore, several details of the case can be found in other landing cases, meaning the incident is perhaps more credible than many would think…
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- January 7, 2024
- 8 min read
Intriguing Lesser-Known UFO Landing Encounters
Many people, even outside of UFO circles, have heard of encounters of alleged spacecrafts from another world landing on Earth. And while most people dismiss such accounts as hallucinations, or even outright hoaxes, the sheer number of these claims makes it hard to dismiss them unreservedly. Indeed, there are many more cases of visitors from elsewhere in the universe landing here on Earth than we might think…
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- January 2, 2024
- 17 min read
Lights Over The Base! The 1979 Soesterberg UFO Incident
In early 1979 over Soesterberg Air Force Base in the Netherlands, multiple military personnel witnessed a large triangular object pass over the base, moving slowly and silently, before heading off into the distance. Despite the many witness statements, as well as an investigation from UFO organizations, the miliary insisted the incident was nothing more than some kind of illusion or mirage. Those who were present at the events that morning, however, rejected such suggestions, convinced that they had seen something genuinely out of the ordinary…
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- December 27, 2023
- 8 min read
Another Military Cover-Up: The 1971 Bermuda Triangle UFO Incident
In 1971, multiple crew members onboard the USS John F. Kennedy in the Bermuda Triangle, witnessed a huge, glowing object hovering silently over their ship. What’s more, as it hovered, the ship’s communication, navigational, and electrical equipment all suddenly failed. Despite the surreal nature of the events, as well as the multiple witnesses, no official report was ever made, at least publicly, and the encounter only came to light decades later with the arrival of the Internet…
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- December 21, 2023
- 6 min read
A Close-Up Sighting Of A Vehicle From Elsewhere: The Guarantingueta UFO Encounter
A UFO encounter in Brazil in May 1994 was not only witnessed by multiple people, but the main witness had extensive aviation experience, including as a commercial airline pilot. Despite this, none of the reports he made to several different government agencies were acted on, leading some to suggest that this was an attempt to suppress the close encounter…
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- December 13, 2023
- 6 min read
The Talcahuano Port Incident : A UFO Close Encounter Off The Chilean Coast
A UFO encounter that occurred just off the coast of Chile in October 1969 could very well be one of the most discreetly important encounters on record. Not only did the intriguing events have multiple witnesses, but there appears to have been a considerable effort by the authorities to suppress the incident, with some actions seemingly attempting to erase it from history altogether…
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- December 9, 2023
- 6 min read