Conspiracy Theory Analysis - Page 6


The Truly Horrific Experiments And Reality of Unit 731

When most of us think of the horrific abuses of the Second World War most of us, quite rightly, would think first and foremost of the concentration camps of Europe and the millions of deaths that occurred there. However, on another continent is Asia, the prisoner camps of the Japanese, most specifically, Unit 731, were just as brutal, if not more so. Indeed, some of the Allied troops who witnessed the horrors of the camp upon its liberation were so affected that many could never bring themselves to speak of them…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
May 8, 2018
Last Updated
September 23, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
5 min read

The Betz Sphere – Alien Artifact Or Ancient Doomsday Device?

When the Betz family discovered a strange metallic sphere in woodland near Jacksonville, Florida in March 1974 they were all fascinated by it, but didn’t for one minute expect it display the bizarre intelligence that it did. When they went public with their find it would begin a period of fascination and investigation of the potentially alien object that continues today…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
May 7, 2018
Last Updated
September 27, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
8 min read

Are There Ancient Civilizations Simply Unknown To Us?

Among many historians, particularly those who find themselves researching “alternative history”, there is a phrase that regularly arises that “things just keep getting older”, most notably, just how far back does human civilizations go? And is it possible that there are civilizations that might have existed millions of years ago who were wiped out and became extinct and as a consequence, are simply unknown to us in the modern world…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
May 4, 2018
Last Updated
September 26, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
7 min read

Wilhelm Reich And Orgone Energy – More Suppressed Wisdom?

Although it was a concept seemingly embraced by many in the “new age” communities of the end of the twentieth century, Orgone Energy and the work of Wilhelm Reich has all the hallmarks of a scientific breakthrough that was covered-up and then purposely ridiculed by authorities. If this is the case, then we have to ask why? What “threat” was Orgone Energy to the world’s elite…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
April 5, 2018
Last Updated
September 27, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
10 min read

The Salisbury Incident – A Mix Of Opportunism And Secret Facilities

Following the apparent poisoning of the Skripals in late-January 2018, the spotlight would quickly shine a light on the murky dealings of the underbelly of the intelligence services, as well as the political opportunism that seemingly runs rife behind it all in all directions. And swirling around all of that, is the top-secret facilities carrying out all manner of secret projects with unknown danger to the wider population…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
March 13, 2018
Last Updated
August 30, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
5 min read

The Blurred World Of Paranormal Murders

Any murder is undoubtedly horrific and needless. However, when aspects of the paranormal, or satanism and witchcraft enter into the mix, they take on an altogether darker feel. And what’s more, these sort of murders, while comparatively very low, happen more than we realize. Further still, they are not a new phenomenon, with one of the better-known cases, still unsolved to boot, stretching almost 100 years…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
March 2, 2018
Last Updated
September 28, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
10 min read

Hangar 18 – Legends Based On Facts Of The Blue Room?

In the 1980s and early-1990s, the location of Hangar 18 was almost as well-known as the grey alien and flying disc. Whether its legend was told in the lyrics of a heavy metal song or its location used as the backdrop to Hollywood movie, Hangar 18 was as much a part of the popular culture of the times as Americana, shoulder pads, and the threat of nuclear war. However, the reasons for that might not be as easily explained as we might think…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 24, 2018
Last Updated
September 23, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
4 min read

The Bella In Wych Elm – A Witch? Or Nazi Spy?

The discovery of the skeletal remains of a young woman by four children in England in April 1943 would prove to be one of the most mysterious and unsolved cases of the twentieth century. And one still unsolved today. Was the deceased the victim of a strange occult ritual? Or, as clues would suggest over the years, was she connected to a Nazi spy ring…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 23, 2018
Last Updated
September 28, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
12 min read

Pine Gap – A Hub Of Top Secret Alien Technology?

Pine Gap in Australia is one of the most mysterious and secretive places on Earth. Many rumors have existed for decades of strange crafts seen flying over the facility, and even of them entering “secret doors” in the mountain ranges and woodlands that surround the intelligence base. What’s more, many whistleblowers suggest the facility is home to reverse-engineered alien technology, with an even more secretive premises deep under the ground…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 17, 2018
Last Updated
September 23, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

The Virginia Company Conspiracy – Country? Or Corporation?

The conspiracies surrounding the Virginia Company are as intriguing as they are outrageous. Not least as should they prove to be accurate, it would mean that not only is the United States not a country but a corporate entity, but that it still falls under the rule of The Crown, a legal organization in the City of London, itself a separate legal entity from London and the United Kingdom…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 14, 2018
Last Updated
September 26, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
5 min read

Ancient Alien Links To The Great Sphinx Of Giza?

The Great Sphinx which sits in front of the Pyramids of Giza is without a doubt one of the most mysterious monuments in the world. And one that has a great deal of intrigue and conflicting information, ranging from its origin, its purpose, and just how long ago it was built, and perhaps most importantly, by who…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 3, 2018
Last Updated
September 26, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
9 min read

The Bizarre Case Of Gareth Williams – The Body In The Bag!

On 23rd August 2010, the body of Gareth Williams was discovered, locked in a hold-all bag, zipped and locked from the outside, with the key found inside the bag and the bag itself in the bathtub. Despite it being a particularly hot summer, the heating in the apartment was turned up to full. All indications were Williams was the victim of foul play…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
January 15, 2018
Last Updated
September 28, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

More Classified Than The Atom Bomb – It’s All About Propulsion!

Bob Lazar is a controversial figure, of that there is little doubt. However, the information he has offered to the wider public is perhaps well worth listening to. Not least the reasons for the UFO secrecy. According to Lazar, the propulsion systems of these otherworldly craft is what keeps their existence such a secret. And if this is true, it is a good example of the rabbit-warren world of conspiracies, UFOs, and secret agendas…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
January 13, 2018
Last Updated
September 23, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
7 min read

Ancient Wisdom, Ancient Astronauts, and New Age Masters: Theosophy and its UFO Legacy (Part 2)

Kevin Storrar (2017) If you haven’t already, you can read the first part of this series (part 1) here. Much of the teachings of Helena Blavatsky’s version of Theosophy centers on accessing the secret wisdom of ancient knowledge. One group that embraced aspects of Theosophy, extraterrestrial contact and an obsession with ‘ancient wisdom’ is the United Nuwaubian…

Kevin Storrar
Published Date
November 9, 2017
Last Updated
July 19, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
14 min read

Are The World’s Top Scientists Dying In Strange Circumstances?

Being a top scientist in your chosen field would not seem to be a vocation that would be regarded as particularly dangerous. However, since the early-2000s several of the world’s top scientific minds have met their ends either in suspicious circumstances, or in outright cold-blooded and targeted murder. And what’s more, nobody appears to know why. Or who might be next…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
November 9, 2017
Last Updated
September 27, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read