Conspiracy Theory Analysis - Page 7


The Bone-Chilling And Mysterious Death Of Elisa Lam

The case of Elisa Lam is without a doubt one of the most chilling and mysterious of the twenty-first century. And is a case that is still unsolved with no apparent breakthrough anywhere in sight. Lam’s dead body was discovered in a sealed water tank just short of three weeks after she disappeared while on a “west coast trip” in Los Angeles, California. How she, or anyone else, managed to get on to the roof without tripping the security systems, or indeed, lift the heavy-duty industrial door to the water tank in just one of many dark enigmas surrounding this tragic death…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
August 7, 2017
Last Updated
September 28, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
8 min read

The Highly Suspicious Death Of Pope John Paul I

Many researchers have highlighted inconsistencies in the sudden and mysterious death of Pope John Paul I in September 1978, only 33 days after taking the position – a position he hadn’t coveted, but one with which he planned to rid the Vatican of corruption and ties to secret societies whose own ideology was far at odds with its own. At least officially. The death of Pope John Paul I is not only suspicious, it is perhaps a window through which to see the true inner workings of the Vatican, at least for a time in the late-1970s…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
August 5, 2017
Last Updated
September 27, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
8 min read

The Black Knight Satellite And Strange Anomalies In Earth’s Orbit

Perhaps one of the most intriguing urban legends of space is the Black Knight Satellite, an apparent mysterious alien craft that discreetly orbits our planet for unknown reasons, at least according to some researchers. And what’s more, the stories behind the origins of the legends are equally as intriguing as claims of the Black Knight Satellite itself. Is there really an extraterrestrial monitoring device orbiting the Earth…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
July 14, 2017
Last Updated
September 27, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
8 min read

From Sun Worship to Alien Apocalypse: Theosophy and its UFO Legacy (Part 1)

Kevin Storrar (2017) Many modern day UFO sightings may be at least in part an adapted remnant of long established solar worship: mystical lights in the sky that represent a greater intelligence. It is certainly interesting to note that the most common reported shape of a UFO since the mid-1940s has been a circular disk; often they…

Kevin Storrar
Published Date
May 18, 2017
Last Updated
July 19, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
13 min read

Skinwalker Ranch: “The Strangest Place On Earth!”

In the small town of Ballard, Utah, sits Skinwalker Ranch, which itself resides within an area of the United States that is full of UFO activity, strange creatures, voices out of nowhere, and even the disappearance of family pets. The area is regarded by Native tribes as bizarre and otherworldly activity, while a researcher in modern times described it as the “strangest place on Earth”…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
May 10, 2017
Last Updated
September 28, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
27 min read

The Hall Of Records And Proof Of Advanced Ancient Civilizations

The Hall of Records, much like other supposedly mythical places, has fascinated researchers into the esoteric wisdom of the antediluvian world for not just decades, but centuries. And what’s more, should its location ever be confirmed, it would hold evidence of such a world, as well as confirmation of Atlantis and the advanced civilization that inhabited it…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
May 6, 2017
Last Updated
September 26, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
4 min read

Maybe The Suicide Of Dr. David Kelly Should Face More Scrutiny

Dr. David Kelly, at least in the opinion of author, Jon E. Lewis, was “as much a victim of the war in Iraq as any soldier or civilian killed on the battlefield”. And it would seem, Lewis is not alone in that way of thinking. Officially, David Kelly took his own life by ingesting painkillers and slicing open his own wrists. Many believe the official story is a blatant cover up….

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
May 2, 2017
Last Updated
September 26, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
8 min read

The Iraqi Stargate Conspiracy – Nonsense? Or Required Questions?

There are lots of reasons to suspect that each of the Iraq wars were for vastly different reasons than those stated publicly. And while some of those reasons are quite probable, even likely, others are rather outlandish. That being said, there are plenty of people who strongly believe that at least the second Iraq invasion was down to the discovery of an ancient stargate, found decades previously…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
April 23, 2017
Last Updated
September 27, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

Was Dorothy Eady The Reincarnated Lover Of Pharaoh Seti I?

While it might at first be easy dismiss the claims of Dorothy Eady being the reincarnated, unknown lover to one of the most powerful pharaohs in ancient Egyptian history as absolute nonsense, the knowledge she provided to archeologists and Egyptologists working in the area was so accurate – and indeed at the time unknown – that her claims perhaps deserve a second look…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
April 22, 2017
Last Updated
September 28, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
7 min read

The Vietnam War – UFOs, Reptilians, And Opium Stuffed Bodies!

The Vietnam war, like many other conflicts throughout history is littered with UFO sightings and accounts. They are also full of the darkest conspiracies of opium being stashed inside the dead bodies of US soldiers and smuggled back to the United States – all under the orders of the intelligence services. In fact, some claim the same is happening in Afghanistan and Iraq in the twenty-first century, and what’s more, the obtaining and controlling of such drugs markets is the reason for the US military presence in such parts of the world in the first place…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
April 12, 2017
Last Updated
September 23, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
5 min read

The Ark Of The Covenant – Is It Real, And Where Is It?

The fact that no one even knows whether the Ark of the Covenant even exists or not has not put off all manner of people and organizations from researching and attempting to locate the elusive relic. Many rumors exist as to where it might be. And all are as intriguing as the next. Just what was the Ark of the Covenant, is it real, and where might it reside today in our contemporary times…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
March 21, 2017
Last Updated
September 27, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
8 min read

Could Nikola Tesla Have Given The World “Free” Energy? – The Conspiracy Discussed

If there is one conspiracy that regularly overlaps into UFO interests, it is that of “free energy” – the ability to tap into the energy of the planet with minimal cost and damage. One person who is regularly connected to free energy is Nikola Tesla. Not only did Tesla all but prove that such a notion as free energy is real, but many believe his findings were purposely suppressed and ridiculed…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
March 14, 2017
Last Updated
September 27, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

The Death Bed Confessions Of Boyd Bushman – Aliens Are Real!

Boyd Bushman had held high-ranking positions with the Lockheed-Martin company – an organization who have been at the center of claims of reverse engineered alien technology. However, shortly before his death in 2014, he would make some remarkable claims. Ones that stated alien life was indeed real. And what’s more, they were here, on Earth and working alongside human scientists in the secrecy of secure bases…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
March 2, 2017
Last Updated
September 23, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
4 min read

The Black Dahlia Murder! A Peek At Hollywood’s Dark Underbelly

The murder of Elizabeth Short, otherwise known as The Black Dahlia, is without a doubt one of the most brutal and horrendous murders of the twentieth century. Perhaps not least as it is officially still unsolved. However, recent research suggests the killer might have been known to police at the time. And what’s more, he was himself a part of the dark underbelly of Hollywood that many willfully look away from in the search of stardom and fortune…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 10, 2017
Last Updated
September 28, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

The October Surprise, The Octopus And The Warning?

To many researchers after the fact, the Iranian hostage situation was purposely “managed” behind the scenes by the eventual winning Reagan election team. The reason being that a release before the election would play into their opponents, Jimmy Carter’s hands. While that might seem bad enough, the conspiracies that would follow the Reagan administration throughout the 1980s would eventually connect to the death of a conspiracy researcher who claimed that a “secret cabal” was controlling such events from the shadows…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 9, 2017
Last Updated
September 23, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
7 min read