The 1968 Falcon Family Alien Abduction
- By
- May 24, 2019
- September 5, 2020
- 11 min read
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- Aliens, Abductions
The original source account of the Falcon family abduction comes to us seemingly via a website for reporting such encounters which now no longer appears to be in operation. Knowledge of the incident has survived in the form of reproduced accounts on other online platforms only.

Just what happened to the Falcon family in 1968?
With that in mind, then, we should perhaps treat the incident cautiously, although we certainly shouldn’t ignore it lest further information surfaces in the future. And furthermore, it does fit in nicely with other reports of the era and location. If the incident on the lonely roads of Georgia during a journey from Tennessee to Florida shortly after midnight in 1968 are authentic, they are eye-opening to say the very least.
As an afterthought, it is perhaps this ambiguity of detail such as the exact date (all we know is that the incident took place at some stage in 1968, for example), and the location (somewhere on a long road in Georgia) that should alert us to a genuine report. One would imagine that accounts that are outright hoaxes or manufactured stories would contain such detail.
- 1 A “Strange Lighted Craft” On A Lonely Road In Georgia
- 2 Witness To Alien Abduction!
- 3 A Silver Room With Human-Looking Fetuses!
- 4 Reptilians, Grays, And Humans?
- 5 An Immediate Understanding Of Telepathic Communication!
- 6 An Apparent Imminent Attack!
- 7 An Emergency Journey 40 Minutes Back In Time
- 8 Blurred Memories – In And Out Of Consciousness
- 9 The “Angel” And The “Child Of God” – A Truly Bizarre Situation!
- 10 More Visitations At The Family Home
- 11 Wildly Unbelievable Or Bordering On Importantly Esoteric?
A “Strange Lighted Craft” On A Lonely Road In Georgia
The Falcon family were traveling to Florida from their (then) home of Tennessee – a long journey in a cooped-up car, especially for the main witness of the report, 4-year-old Celestian Falcon. His father had been transferred again by the military, hence the sudden move in order to find housing for the Falcons.
It was during this journey that a “strange lighted craft” appeared, seemingly out of nowhere behind their moving vehicle. It was at a distance of approximately 200 yards, maintaining its distance and moving slightly to the left of their position.
When his mother saw the object, she let out a scream. Even more so when it appeared to close in on their car.

Many alien abductions take place on lonely roads
Celestian would recall how the underside of the craft had “large red lights” shining downward. From the top came another glowing light, this time from “windows”. All the while, with the craft getting closer and closer to them, his mother screamed.
Around them, other cars, as if sensing the Falcon vehicle was the intended target of this bizarre and otherworldly craft, steered around them and sped off into the distance. One such road user almost pushed their car off the road such was their eagerness to get past. Even more bizarre was the odd car that was traveling the other way would all do “immediate U-turns” as soon as they caught sight of the aerial monstrosity.
One car behind them, however, would pull over on the road, and settling to their right-hand side. Then, the Falcons’ car engine spluttered and died. Celestian noticed his father looking in the rearview mirror, clearly observing the vehicle behind them as well as the bizarre craft hovering in the air. He also witnessed his father reach for his gun before he exited the car.
Witness To Alien Abduction!
Almost as soon as his father stepped from the vehicle the strange object turned and moved straight towards him. This caused his father to rush back inside the car and attempt the engine repeatedly, attempting to force it turn over and start.
As he did so, Celestian’s mother pushed him deep into the back seat, shielding him and telling him “not to make a sound”. He could, though, see out of the back window and to the other car just short of 50 feet away.

We the Falcon family members abducted?
The driver had also exited the vehicle and appeared to be trying to hide his (presumably) girlfriend in the trunk. As he was doing so, however, “several five-foot-tall aliens” suddenly appeared and surrounded them.
Celestian continued to watch as the young man went to strike one of the creatures with the tire iron he carried. Before he could, though, the creature nearest to him reached out and touched him with a strange “silver prod” which appeared to immediately paralyze the young man. This is an interesting detail that comes up a lot in other UFO reports. Both the metallic rod device, and the causing of paralysis.
As the young boy continued to watch, the creatures wrapped the couple in “silver blankets” before they began to rise into the hovering craft above.
Then, a “pinkish light” burst into the Falcons’ car. Everything went quiet and Celestian remained as still as he possibly could. The next thing he knew the car door was opening and a strange hand reached in and grabbed him, pulling him out of the vehicle.
A Silver Room With Human-Looking Fetuses!
He must have blacked out or blocked the following moments from his memory as the next thing he realized he was waking up inside the spacecraft. Celestian quickly scanned his eyes around the strange room. He realized he had been separated from his family, who were also in the room, but grouped together. His mother was seemingly in hysterics and trying to move towards him while several of the alien creatures forced them back.

Many abductees reveal details that suggest a hybridization program
A “reptilian-like alien” had him in its grip and proceeded to take him out of the room and down a set of stairs. He was taken into a large room with windows on one side and a large table in the middle. Out of the windows, he could see the road outside and so knew he was still on Earth and not anywhere in deep space.
Of more concern to the young boy, however, were the “jars of human looking fetuses rowed beneath the windows”. There were more jars around the walls of the room. As he scanned his environment, he noticed several of the alien creatures coming in and out of the room through two doorways opposite the window. Although he wasn’t sure how he knew, he seemed to think that these doorways led to some kind of cold storage like a walk-in refrigerator.
His family was brought into the room also. His mother was placed on the large table where a large silver needle pierced her skin and sedated her instantly. Before he witnessed anything more, however, he was moved out of the room and into another compartment.
Reptilians, Grays, And Humans?
When he entered the room, he noticed how the white light seemingly reflected off the silver that made up the entire interior. He also saw “two green-skinned reptilian aliens” who appeared to be engaged at the main control panel.
Then, he heard the sound of a woman screaming, seemingly coming from a room to his left. Even more unsettling was the sound of a male voice, in as much distress. It called out:
Help us we are being attacked by monsters!
Some kind of fight seemed to break out in the room. Celestian could hear several bangs and rapid movement of feet. Then, two of the aliens ran from the room and appeared to set off some kind of emergency signal. Several of the alien creatures responded and ran into the off-set room. In a moment, everything went quiet and still.
While all of this was happening, an elevator opened behind Celestian and two alien creatures wearing NASA-type spacesuits complete with bubble helmets walked out. Each was just under five feet tall, with “large gray heads” and “large round human-like eyes”. In their hand, one of these creatures held a silver box.

Some abductees also speak of reptilian entities
The young witness’s mind already on the verge of collapse was stretched even further when a “strange human” appeared on a balcony in the room and made his way towards the scene below on some kind of perpetually extending escalator. He was dressed in a tight-fitting black suit and had a hat in the shape of a V in his head. There was also a soft patch in the suit with strange symbols on it.
For some reason, Celestian remembered the man as Spanish, with a “short-cut beard” and standing at around six feet tall.
An Immediate Understanding Of Telepathic Communication!
When he spoke to the other aliens in the room, he did so telepathically. However, the young boy could still very much “hear” what was being said. And what’s more, he could understand it.
According to his memory, the aliens were “diving for a device” that was lost in a “deep mud swamp”. Although they had found and recovered a part of it, the other section remained lost, presumed at the bottom of a muddy Georgia swamp. The “human” ordered another search of the area.

Why do so many abductees speak of sudden telepathic communication
The next thing he knew, Celestian was led to another room by two small gray aliens before being taken to another “human-alien”. Again, picking up on their telepathic talk, he “heard” that they should be careful as some of the humans were fighting back.
The guard was actually a mechanic on the ship. Celestian could see he was in the main engine room. What is interesting here is the description of “three cylinders” at the top of the room and “two long shafts” that ran seemingly to and likely through the floors. This description, once again, surfaces in several other close encounter accounts.
The mechanic, dressed in an all-in-one orange overall-type suit, turned his attention back to the device he was working on. It appeared there was a problem with the engine which he was attempting to solve.
When Celestian walked closer to see what the “man” was working on, he could see a “blue-silver atom core” casting its glow into the room. Before he could take in any more detail, the mechanic, with a little bit of impatience in his voice, ordered him into one of the side rooms while he carried out his duties. He did as he was told, waiting there patiently.
An Apparent Imminent Attack!
The small child was eventually led out of the engine room and back to one of the rooms he was in previously. Once more, two gray aliens escorted him. There appeared to be some significant commotion taking place all around him.
As he walked along the corridors, he tried to peek into the various rooms that led off from them. In one particular room, he witnessed what appeared to be the man from the car behind them. He was seemingly hooked up to various devices and the silver blanket lay at his feet.

Are multiple aliens visiting the planet?
By the time he was back in the main room near the elevator, a telepathic conversation ensued once more. According to what Celestian could understand, their craft “had been found” and “they were coming to destroy” them.
Celestian wasn’t sure who “they” were, but he felt a sense of panic run through the occupants of the craft. He heard another voice claim that “they were getting close” and there were approximately 12 minutes before they would be visible to their targets. Then, one some kind of screen, two US Air Force fighter jets appeared.
Several of the aliens were watching the screen also. In fact, so detailed and close-up was it that Celestian could see the pilot’s face through the glass of the cockpit. He could also see, or perhaps sense, as could the alien occupants, that the jet was armed and moving in for attack.
An Emergency Journey 40 Minutes Back In Time
Activity inside the craft exploded as the occupants seemingly took to their positions. During this, the young boy managed to see inside another of the rooms off to the side. In it, wearing ominous black, hooded robes, were several “gray alien humanoids” seemingly older than time itself. When they noticed him watching them, Celestian got a feeling of absolute arrogant indignancy from them.
While this sounds like a detail that belongs in a medieval castle, it is perhaps surprising at how many close contact encounters and alien abduction accounts mention these strange hooded figures.
Things became extremely confused in a hurry as something akin to controlled chaos reigned inside the ship. The witness could remember “hearing” bits of the panicked conversations. The aliens were, it would appear, going to travel back in time, only 40 minutes to “before they were picked up on radar”.
As this was happening, Celestian was placed on one of the silver tables and strapped down. Then, he blacked out, seemingly from some kind of medication as he could still “feel” things happening around him. For example, he distinctly remembers someone moving the table, of it “moving uphill” and then rolling backward into place.
Blurred Memories – In And Out Of Consciousness
Then, when he awoke, all was calm, and he was in the first part of the ship at the start of his bizarre and unnerving journey.
What followed was several episodes in and out of consciousness. While he was awake, although far from alert, he could see a plethora of operations and procedures taking place around, and to him. At one stage he appeared to be hooked up to a monitor that resembles a VCR player. During another waking episode, he could see “rings of oracular light” swarming around his body.

Are some people repeatedly abducted?
It appeared the taller, reptilian-looking alien was in charge. He recalled at one stage a disagreement between the smaller “gray aliens” and this reptilian overseer. Although Celestian couldn’t fully understand, the taller reptilian would order the procedures to continue.
He would black out once more, only this time he could feel a pulling on his stomach and then a sensation as if something was reaching inside him with strange fingers. A “dull pain” immediately spread from this area.
Then, another entity appeared beside him. Now not sure if he was awake or not, the situation turned even stranger.
The “Angel” And The “Child Of God” – A Truly Bizarre Situation!
This new entity appeared very “angelic” to the young boy. Indeed, it even claimed to have been “sent from God”. Not understanding what this “angel” meant, Celestial could clearly hear him order the reptilian to “put him back”. Even stranger, this boy was a “child of God”.

Are there connections to ancient writings?
Still in a bizarre realm of consciousness and dreaming, the young boy heard the reptilian claiming that no harm would come to him and they would indeed return him and his family. To this, the “angel” warned them once more to:
…put the child back now and let them go or you will be destroyed!
With that, the angelic person vanished. Celestian might have been able to easily dismiss this chain of events as a hallucination of his own mind. That was until he heard the reptilian creature, with ample concern in his voice asking “did you see that? What was it?” It then turned its attention back to the witness, asking him directly and accusingly, “What are you?”
Then, answering its own question, the reptilian said:
I don’t know what you are, or what that thing was, but we are not going to find out!
Before he blacked out once more, he heard the creature ordering the gray aliens to find the angelic being and bring it back to him.
More Visitations At The Family Home
The next time he awoke the Spanish-looking human was standing over him. He felt tired, exhausted and extremely wobbly. However, even at such a young age, his body surged with a sense of relief and that he was “still alive”.
He and his family were taken from the ship and led back to their car. Celestian noticed how his mother and father both appeared to be in a “trance-like” state. He also noticed several burn marks on the left-hand side of his father’s face.
Things remained calm for several more minutes before each of his parents seemingly came out of their trance together. His mother immediately began screaming telling her husband to “Step on it! Step on it!”

Some research suggests that alien abduction often occur in the same family across generations
He did so and the car sped away into the distance with a screech. Celestian would look out of the back window just in time to see one of the aliens board the craft, which then shot up into the night sky and vanished in a second.
Although, at least to his knowledge, his parents wouldn’t acknowledge the incident, strange encounters would continue into the future. For example, strange humanoid “aliens” would appear in the family home. Sometimes even “walking through walls” from one room to the next. They always wore silver belts with various silver, futuristic gadgets on them.
Most often, his parents would awaken from a trance-like state following these visitations. On at least one occasion, the family’s neighbors would make a report of “strange UFO activity” at the same time as one of the visits to the Falcon family home. They would report that a metallic, silver disc hovered over the area for some time before vanishing.
Whether these visitations continue, with Celestian Falcon or other people around the world is unknown.
Wildly Unbelievable Or Bordering On Importantly Esoteric?
Admittedly, the account is one that even the most enthusiastic and open-minded UFO researchers may struggle to subscribe to. However, many of the details do show up in other, similar incidents. What’s more, there were several reports of similar disc-shaped or cigar-shaped crafts in the skies over Georgia throughout 1968.
And, might Celestian’s father’s connection to the United States military be of any importance? We have examined before the notion that certain military personnel are approached for “top-secret projects”. Some of which involve their families, specifically their children. Might this “abduction” be another such incident?
Perhaps more than anything else, however, particularly in light of the apparent “angel” and the appearance at Celestian’s side, we should look at some of the ancient esoteric writings. And in particular, accounts of entities from the “spirit world”.
The presence of a nuts-and-bolts craft perhaps discredits this particular theory somewhat – after all, what would “spirits” need with such crafts? Perhaps, though, that is due to our own understanding of the situation, or lack thereof.
Maybe we should recall the apparent traveling back in time. Many researchers offer, for example, that UFOs may be traveling between dimensions and alternate realities. That, while they are indeed a different experience or expression of life, these entities are not “alien”. At least not how we would collectively understand the word.
Many such ancient esoteric writings speak of reincarnation. And specifically, at times, important manifestations of energies. This, in order to achieve one specific objective or another. One for the collective good of humanity. Might the “child of God” statement be in reference to this? In order to make sense of this, perhaps we should ask who “God” or “the gods” really are?
The video below. It looks at different connections to UFO and alien encounters.
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How can a four-year-old child remember and relate all this information? It does not seem possible.