The Largely Unknown Alien Abduction of Carol and Helen Thomas

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
May 4, 2017
Last Updated
December 5, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
4 min read
Posted in
Aliens, Abductions

Many people make claims of alien abduction. Rightly or wrongly, most dismiss these claims without question. However, when those events happen to more than one person, the claims surely carry more credibility, to say the least. There are more of these kinds of encounters than many people might think. These claims also counter, quite effectively, the argument from many skeptics, that alien abduction claims are merely hallucinations by the abductee, possibly the result of an undiagnosed illness. It would surely be impossible for more than one person to experience the same hallucination at the same time, right?

Artist's impression of an alien abduction over a road.

Artist's impression of an alien abduction over a road.

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Marcus Lowth

Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. He has been writing and researching with over 20 years of experience.

Marcus has been Editor-in-Chief for several years due to his excellent knowledge in these fields. Marcus also regularly appears as an expert on radio talk shows including Troubled Minds and Unexplained Radio discussing these topics.

Read Marcus' full bio.

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  • Craig says:

    Years ago I was on my way to a milk round with one of my friends early hours of the morning on castle vale, on the way we seen a ufo hovering above the ground approx 300ft away at a height of approx 100 ft high silently sitting there, with disbelief what I was seeing I looked away rubbing my eyes then looking back to see this object still sitting there, we ran like crazy being terrified at what we seen, I believe that this is the same morning these ladies was abducted

  • Lindsay says:

    Very interesting! I’m so intrigued by this stuff, with the Roswell incident, the Betty and Barney Hill story, The Travis Walton story, The Allagash abduction and the Kelly Cahill story being at the top of the list, though there are many others that are also intriguing. There is no doubt in my mind that we have “brothers and sisters” among the stars, and many different species at that. Travis Walton described the typical greys, as well as ones that he mistook as human, while the 4 men from the allagash abduction described the aliens they saw as “looking like bugs”. It sounds crazy, but you can usually tell when someone speaks if they’re genuine or not. I don’t belive every single story, but it’s obvious to me when someone is lying. The Jesse Long story is so far-fetched sounding, but when you watch the video of Whitley Streiber interviewing him, you KNOW he’s telling the truth! Under hypnosis, he’s screaming and absolutely traumatized and is very, very emotional throughout the interview. One of the things that probably intrigues me the most is how much more advanced ALL of these beings seem to be than we are. They use mind control, can completely erase a person’s memory (with alot of the abductions being remembered only through dreams) and seem to communicate telepathically. I will never tire of Ufo and abduction stories.

    • Frederick says:

      Thank you, Lindsay, for making this comment. I was attracted to the sentence that says; “There is no doubt in my mind that we have brothers and sisters among the stars, and many different species at that”

      This, I have to agree with, for I know, we as Humanity have Allies in the Universe. But they are not the ones that go traveling the Universe interfering in other worlds for acquisitions and resources. Those that are in our world now, at this time, are here to forward their own agenda, they are not here to become friends with Humanity.

      The reason they are here is that they have a shortage of resources that threatens their existence. There are many books and much literature on this topic, for there has been contact from our Allies warning Humanity of the very potential dangers of accepting offers of friendship from those who do not respect your area of Sovereignty and borders, those that trespass into your world in secret are those that are working against you and not for you.

      Those Species in our world at this time have been laying down a procedure to remove the Human Being from this world and replacing them with a new Species we know has Hybrids. the Hybrid is intelligent and sophisticated, but are not the friends of Humans, their loyalty and allegiance are with the Race that created them and in truth, they detest the Human Race for their treatment of this planet and its environments. The Problem Humanity have, is to re-establish the planet to previous glory and its balanced environments. Humanity has attracted unwanted attention, from those worlds within their vicinity of space in the Universe.

      They have drawn those who are searching for worlds with the resources they need, and this has been done through the bad stewardship of Humanity with their world. We have sent messages out into space, thinking we would find others in the Universe like ourselves, others that are gullible and naive in their approach to the Way of this Greater Community of Worlds. There are billions upon billions of worlds in our Galaxy, some are evolving as we are. Some have been established and have evolved with great technology and have existed for million or more of our years and these are the ones searching for resources due to overusing their own. They search for worlds such as ours with the intentions of plundering the resources we have, and when it involves worlds such as ours, who are a warmongering Race, then they influence and manipulate the Race by infiltrating them in secret. they are advanced in the use of the Mental Environments and this is their weapon against Humanity. Yet the greatest weapon they have is Humanities own dysfunction and lack of awareness to the situation they are in. Humanity needs to awaken, find their true Purpose for their life.

      By going to this link you will find the information very pertinent to what I have been saying.

  • Sakib says:

    That just sounds like a mass hallucinations to me. 🙂

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