A Recollection Two Decades In The Making: The Twinsburg Alien Abduction
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- November 26, 2024
- 11 min read
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- Aliens, Abductions
Although he was aware that something untoward had occurred one evening in the summer of 1966 when he was only six years old, it would be another two decades before Patrick MacKondy fully recalled what had taken place outside the apartment where he lived with his parents. What he would recall is not one but two encounters with entities that he labeled “visitors”, and as well as the memories of those encounters, he also found that he suddenly had abilities that he didn’t previously.
The encounters of Patrick MacKondy are interesting not only because they contain details that can be found in many other apparent cases of alien abduction but also because there are many other people who have also attested to having sudden supernatural-like abilities following these encounters. We might ask if these are purposeful transferring of abilities or an unintended consequence.
Although Patrick has no interest in exploring his encounters any further – content that they have now ceased and that he has fulfilled his unknown purpose to his otherworldly abductors – his case remains of interest to researchers and investigators today, providing corroborating details to other similar accounts, many of which are still to be reported and made public.
According to an article in the September 1998 edition of FATE Magazine [1] in the summer of 1966 in Twinsburg, Ohio, six-year-old Patrick MacKondy couldn’t wait to move to the new house his father was building. Although it was only two blocks away from the apartment they currently lived in, Patrick was eager to escape a particular experience he had had while living there, an experience that would only fully come to light decades later.
Patrick recalled how their (his family’s) neighbors were Dutch whose friends were about to arrive from the Netherlands to take the apartment across the street. They had already told his parents that their friends had a little girl roughly the same age as Patrick named Lazette who they were sure would be a great playmate for him. Patrick, however, wasn’t too keen, recalling how Lazette, upon her arrival with her family, spent the whole summer “trying to be one of the boys!”
Despite his mixed feelings about Lazette, one particular day, her parents pleaded with Patrick’s parents to allow Patrick to come with them all to the movies and then spend the evening at their apartment, something that Patrick’s parents agreed to. The evening was perfectly pleasant, to begin with. After watching the movie, they went to a restaurant to get something to eat before returning to their apartment opposite his own. Then, things turned truly strange.
Outside The Apartment!
Patrick changed into his pajamas and prepared for bed. He was to sleep in Lazette’s room. Lazette, however, was to sleep in between her parents in their bed, meaning Patrick was in the room completely alone. Regardless he went to sleep, but he awoke a short time later. And much to his confusion, he awoke to find Lazette’s parents close to the bed, looking at him. He recalled that “their noses were only inches from mine” and that he found the experience unsettling, to say the least. He wasn’t sure if he passed out or simply fell back to sleep. However, when he awoke next, things were completely different.
He found himself outside, standing in the yard and looking up at the sky. He could see a “bright beam of light” that he guessed was around 10 to 12 feet across. He watched the light for several moments, noting that it was getting smaller as it moved upwards. Then, he heard a strange voice appear inside his head telling him, “We will see you again someday, when you are a lot older!”
At that point, he noticed that Lazette’s parents were also standing outside. They quickly guided him toward the apartment, and he returned to bed. He recalled how frightened he was, even recalling that he remembered hearing Lazette’s parents laughing, a sound that somehow disturbed him even more.
When he was back with his own parents at their apartment the following day, he told them of the bizarre events of the previous evening. However, they insisted he must have had a nightmare, perhaps caused by “rich food” that he wasn’t used to. He relented and didn’t mention the incident further. However, despite the years passing by with no further incident, he knew that something extraordinary had happened that evening outside their neighbor’s apartments.
A Second Incident?
Several years later, Patrick and his family moved to Youngstown, Ohio, after his father had taken a position as the advertising director for a grocery chain. For the most part, Patrick slowly forgot about the strange encounter outside the apartment opposite theirs in Twinsburg, and by the time he was a young adult, he was enjoying a modeling career modeling men’s clothes, which led him to several high-end photo shoots in such locations as New York, Los Angeles, and Miami. Then, one evening before a photo shoot for a catalog, the memories of that bizarre evening began leaking into his conscious thoughts.
It was a particularly “muggy” evening in August, and Patrick had decided to go to bed early so that he looked and felt refreshed for the photoshoot the following day. However, as the night went on, he noticed how he began to feel decidedly afraid as if something was about to happen. Then, out of nowhere, a small “transparent ball of light” appeared in the room. It immediately headed towards him, moving around his head and face “like a bee”, causing Patrick to swat at it. However, rather strangely, the more he tried to swat at it, the more and more tired he became, so much so that he eventually fell asleep.
He awoke the following morning feeling “tired and weak”, as though he was feeling the onset of the flu. Even so, he got ready for the photoshoot, and by the time he was leaving his apartment, he was feeling a little better. The photoshoot in question was for swimwear. As he was changing into the first bathing suit, the owner of the company approached him. She was looking at the exposed skin on his torso, claiming that she “didn’t remember so many scars!” He immediately looked to where she was pointing. To his utter shock, around 15 scars were visible all over his upper body. Although he had never seen them before, they appeared to be several months old. Fortunately, make-up covered the scars, and he completed the session. As he made his way home, however, there would be further revelations.
Sudden Recollection
By chance, his route home that evening was close to Twinsburg, and he soon found himself on his way to the apartment where he had lived with his parents as a child in order to take a look at it, as well as take a look at the apartment where Lazette’s family had lived. In fact, as he drove past this apartment, a flashback of recall surged through his mind.
He remembered standing in the yard outside the apartment on the night he had stayed at Lazette’s parents’ apartment. He recalled the beam of light; only now he could see it coming from “a ship” hovering above him. He could also see a “row of colored lights in hues that didn’t exist in our color spectrum”. It was at this moment that he realized that he had been taken by entities not of this world, not only that night when he was six years old but the previous evening from his bed in his own apartment. Before he could contemplate anything else, he pushed open the car door and vomited onto the street.
He sat back in the passenger seat and remained still for a moment. As he did so, more memories came flooding back to him. He took a few moments to process this information before setting off on the journey home. Despite the bizarre and harrowing nature of these memories, Patrick didn’t feel any fear – in fact, he believed that these “visitors” had completed their work with him and he would not see them again. He also recalled feeling “cleansed”, stating that he believed that something was placed into him when he was young (an implant?) and then removed only the night before.
Although he wasn’t certain just what type of work or what experiments they had carried out on him (he believed his memory had been wiped as it would be “too painful” for him), or indeed why, he did feel as though he had received “new insights” and a “greater sense of the universe”. Indeed, Patrick considered these new insights “gifts” – almost a bizarre “thank you” for the procedures he had been exposed to.
Strange Abilities
It was around a year after the incident outside the apartment in Twinsburg on the day of the photoshop when Patrick claimed to have first become aware of these new-found gifts. He recalled he was in a nightclub in Austintown, Ohio with several friends, all of whom were “pressed against the bar”.
He claimed he suddenly heard a strange humming noise, and a moment later, “without thinking”, he jumped so that he was sitting on the bar. It seemed a fight had broken out nearby. Only a split-second later, a large, heavy-set man brought a beer bottle down on the person sitting next to him. Patrick wrote years later that if he had not moved, he “would have been killed!”
None of his friends could understand just what made Patrick jump out of the way just in time to avoid the collision. And more to the point, Patrick couldn’t answer them. All he knew was that he sensed imminent danger and acted.
He also realized that he had a gift for precognition. For example, several months later – in the same nightclub – he and his friends were talking when, without thinking about it, he finished one of their friend’s sentences – not just in sentiment, but word for word. In fact, he spooked her so much that she refused to speak to him, claiming he was some kind of “warlock”. He also developed an ability to tell when the telephone was just about to ring, claiming he could hear a faint humming sound in his head several seconds before a telephone would start ringing.
There were, though, other, even more remarkable abilities he discovered, and it is to those that we will turn our attention next.
Telepathic Communication With Animals
Several years later, one day in the summer of 1990, Patrick was in his yard when he noticed a strange dog had wondered in. He looked at the dog, and even though he didn’t realize, at least at first, that he was doing it, he beckoned the dog to him – telepathically. He repeatedly told the dog to come to him in his mind and was more than a little shocked when the canine suddenly did so. Thinking it might have simply been a coincidence, again using his mind only, he asked the dog to give him his paw. Once more, the dog did as was asked and offered Patrick his paw. The following day, he had a chance to put this apparently newfound ability to the test once more.
He was walking down his street when he saw one of his neighbors walking their dog, a particularly friendly poodle who Patrick had never heard growl, let alone bark. Patrick stopped for a moment to make polite small talk with the neighbor. They walked over to his new Camaro and began showing him the engine. As his neighbor looked, Patrick looked down at the dog, then back at the neighbor, and imagined himself hitting the man. No sooner had he done so than the dark began growling and barking at him, even snarling and attempting to bite him. Needless to say, his neighbor was shocked by his dog’s out-of-character behavior. Patrick, though, knew better – he seemingly had the ability to communicate with animals telepathically.
Patrick put this apparent ability to the test a third time several years later when a street fair set up in his hometown. One of the exhibits features a lion and trainer. Patrick approached the owner, and asked if he could “pet his three-year-old lion”. As we might imagine, the owner declined, offering that Davi would be “chewed up alive!” Looking to prove his point – and perhaps unwisely – Patrick waited for the owner to take a break and leave the lion in its cage. When he did so, he snuck inside. Not only was he not attacked by the wild animal, but he “cooed” it to sleep. When the owner returned a short time later, he was more than perplexed to find the lion calmly lying next to Patrick without a care in the world.
An Ability To See Upcoming Events
By the winter of 1997, Patrick began having vivid dreams that would often tell him of imminent upcoming events, sometimes events that would happen the very next day. For example, one night he dreamt of a neighbor he hadn’t seen for over five years. The very next day that same neighbor arrived at his house completely out of the blue. On another occasion, he dreamed of the person he had recently sold a car to. The next day, that person knocked on his front door claiming they happened to be passing and wanted to tell him how pleased they were with their purchase.
A short time later, Patrick had a more ominous dream featuring his aunt. In it, she was sick and was asking her family for help. His aunt did indeed call the next day to inform him of her ill health. Even more bizarre, Patrick discovered that his father had the exact same dream the previous evening.
As well as these apparent gifts, however, there is seemingly a dark side to the encounters he had with these alleged visitors. He now has a “severe fear of flying”, something that attributes to stemming from being onboard the visitor’s ship as opposed to being afraid of heights. Furthermore, he also developed a sudden fear of visiting the dentist or the doctor. On one occasion during a routine dental appointment, the sensation of the metallic instruments in his mouth sent him “flying out of the chair and down the hallway!” Once more, he puts this sudden fear to his subconscious, recalling some of the procedures and experiments he must have undergone during his abduction encounters.
These fears, like his gifts, only began following the second encounter in the summer of 1987. There was, though, one more revelation – and it would come forth following the article on his encounters for FATE Magazine.
Revelations From Patrick’s Father
Upon reading the article in question, Patrick’s father had a sudden revelation of his own. In fact, he was so affected that he was moved to tears. He claimed that after reading the article, he was confronted with the sudden recall of what he thought was a terrible, intense nightmare he had when they lived in their old apartment in Twinsburg.
He claimed that he had a nightmare during the summer of 1966, and it was one that he never forgot as it was so realistic. He claimed that, in the dream, he saw an extremely bright light outside the bedroom that caused him to leave bed and walk to the window to investigate. As he pulled back the curtain, he was shocked to see Patrick standing in the yard across the road, dressed in only his pajamas and looking up at something overhead.
Then, the next thing he realized, Lazette’s parents were leading Patrick back inside their apartment. Patrick’s father then looked up just in time to see a large object rising into the sky before disappearing into the distance.
It is clear that these events were not a dream and that Patrick’s father had witnessed at least part of his young son’s abduction that evening back in 1966. Whether his mind blocked it out of its own accord or whether some kind of technology was used by these visitors is perhaps open to debate. Indeed, we might even consider that Patrick’s father could have been abducted that evening also, given that many repeat abductees go on to discover that members of their family have also been abducted and that these abductions often take place over generations.
Just Another Intriguing Encounter
There are many intriguing details in Patrick’s account, even if he can’t recall any specific details of the abductions themselves aside from being outside the ship. Perhaps the most thought-provoking are the apparent abilities that he gained following the encounters. Many other people who claim to have had close interactions with alleged extraterrestrials – including abductees – have found they have developed similar abilities in the months and years following their encounters.
Of course, while Patrick believes these abilities are a purposeful gift from his abductors, other researchers have questioned whether they are perhaps an unintended consequence of such encounters. It is interesting to note also that many people who have undergone other paranormal experiences – such as prolonged activity with a poltergeist, for example – on occasion claim to have developed similar skills. Might we ask if whatever shifts or opens in the human mind allow these experiences and if that something is also responsible for these apparent abilities?
We might also ask where Lazette’s parents fit into all of this. For example, were they somewhere aware of the abduction (perhaps Lazette had been abducted previously), and is this why they insisted she sleep with them on the night Patrick stayed at their apartment? And does this involvement explain why Patrick awoke to find them looking at him, as well as why they were outside with Patrick in the first place? Indeed, this aspect of the account is perhaps the most perplexing of all.
Whether Patrick was correct in his assessment that he would no longer receive any further visits is unknown. His account, though, is but one of many that speak of interaction with entities from another world – an interaction that hints at some kind of long, drawn-out, intricately planned project. Of course, whether that project is for the betterment of humanity or not remains to be seen.
The short video below looks at some of the strangest and most fascinating alien abduction encounters on record.
↑1 | What The Aliens Left Me: An abduction solves the mystery of a 20-year-old nightmare and gives the author an unusual gift, FATE Magazine, September 1998 |
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