Mothman – Profiling the Myth: True or False

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
May 26, 2016
Last Updated
September 30, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
14 min read
Posted in
Cryptozoology, Bizarre Entities

All over the world, we have access to stories, myths and legends that on the surface would absolutely blow the minds of people if they were true. From the Chupacabra to various other stories involving supernatural beings, human mythology has been filled up over the years with plenty of candidates who would, on any given night we met them, break our minds! One of the most popular myths and stories over the years, though, has been that of The Mothman.

Wisconsin Mothman

Wisconsin Mothman

Now, a man who is part Moth would not be that big a deal, right? After all, moths are puny! However, it’s the actual story behind what (potentially) makes up the Mothman story. Today we’re going to take a brief look at the story itself and work out wha... have reached the limit of articles available to read for free this month. 

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Marcus Lowth

Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. He has been writing and researching with over 20 years of experience.

Marcus has been Editor-in-Chief for several years due to his excellent knowledge in these fields. Marcus also regularly appears as an expert on radio talk shows including Troubled Minds and Unexplained Radio discussing these topics.

Read Marcus' full bio.

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    This article angered me by its apparent DEBUNKER DISPOSITION…especially by its contention that “no modern sightings have taken place”…WRONG!!! I saw one in early 1984, when I was a kid, WITHOUT ANY PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF MOTHMAN—–I was in the back yard feeding our family dogs, early in the morning; it was dark outside, and cold. I then departed the back yard, closing the gate as I walked, up the small set of steps leading to the patio, then as I turned to enter the patio area on my way back to the house, I froze in my tracks…there, at the end of the patio, were two very large RED EYES staring at me from around the corner of the house…though it was dark, I could make out the shadow of a head surrounding the eyes, which transfixed me. It’s the only time in my life that I was truly frightened! After some moments of frozen terror, I managed to summon the will to make a dash for the back door of the house (which led out onto the patio), and I remember hoping that I made it to the door before the thing flew by and grabbed me (years later I remembered this, and surmised that on some subconscious level, I must have been aware of the thing having wings). I did, and anxiously told my mom, who went outside and searched but found nothing. I saw the “Mothman” film years later and remembered my own incident, surmising that that was what I saw back in 1984…as for its being a “Harbinger of Doom), this also was the case in my own encounter, since not long after the incident, there was a violent murder at the house across the street (a “road-rage” case where the perpetrator followed the victim home and shot him to death in his front yard, then proceeded to shoot randomly at the surrounding homes, INCLUDING MY OWN. So, this Mothman is NOT an “urban myth” or some Crane/Barn Owl, etc…!!!…it really is what it was back in 1966-’67…

  • howard stern says:

    i have evidence mothman is real and it is worse than you expected. his arms are so big…so strong. he is ripped. i mean SHREDDED. HE HAS AN 10 PACKK!!!! PLEASE believe him he needs US right now i mean it right now mothman is real he’s real he’s real he’s REAL

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