The Multiple Alien Abduction Case of Houston, December 1992

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
April 7, 2018
Last Updated
December 5, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read
Posted in
Aliens, Abductions

The evening of 8th December 1992 is one that will leave several residents of Houston, Texas bonded forever. That night, each would share an experience – although they didn’t realize it at the time – that was quite literally out of this world. Although those involved were unknown to each other, they were all in attendance at a meeting of abductees on the night in question - organized by ex-CIA officer and UFO researcher, Derrel Sims.

A depiction of UFOs under the moonlight

Were multiple abducted from Houston in December 1992?

In total eight Houston residents were abducted that evening. All would report entering a strange light and in turn a small spacecraft. This would then take them to a larger spacecraft outside of Earth’s orbit. What’s more, all had lo... have reached the limit of articles available to read for free this month. 

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Marcus Lowth

Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. He has been writing and researching with over 20 years of experience.

Marcus has been Editor-in-Chief for several years due to his excellent knowledge in these fields. Marcus also regularly appears as an expert on radio talk shows including Troubled Minds and Unexplained Radio discussing these topics.

Read Marcus' full bio.

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  • Perry says:

    I feel I photo graph a platform space ship over Spring Tx To me it looks like it was trying to hide in clouds but I believe it’s real


    This article about the mass-abduction case in Houston in 1992 eerily reminds me of a strange dream I had back in ’88 or ’89…I, too, was being taken on a “tour” of a large spacecraft by beings that I still cannot clearly remember details of (although the mention of “two tall brown aliens” reminded me of some that I DO recall details of—-they were tall, wore what appeared to be BROWN ROBES, seemed to have human faces with thick beards)…that large chamber with seemingly frozen creatures–and humans!–my “tour guides” mentioned that they were “Samplers” of different planets in the cosmos (and looking at a crocodile in the chamber, it seemed as if one of the brown-robed beings was taking a “bite” out of the crocodile, although the croc did seem to react and thrash around for a bit)…then they shackled me in the chamber for a little while…it was at this time that I sensed that some sort of haze in the chamber allowed me to communicate mentally (telepathically?) with some of the creatures in the room, and to “hear” their thoughts—I remember seeing two deer, one doe and the other a fawn, with their fur and outer skin gone but hooked up to some sort of machine covering them with a transparent “glaze” of some kind, and the fawn was crying out mentally to its mother, wanting to leave this place, but all the doe could do was look down upon the fawn and emit a deeply sad reply of hopelessness in return. Next I gazed upon a manacled bear in the far corner of the chamber, and I concentrated my mental energy at it, willing fury upon it, willing it to break its manacles and then mine…this it did, and I directed it to free some of the others while I fiddled with some controls in the chamber. I somehow managed to open up a ramp which reached down to the surface, and together with the bear and two dogs and some others we escaped the ship. Some of the aliens followed us and tried to call the dogs to return, but although they were torn between their natural instincts and their new “masters’ command” ultimately they chose their instincts and dashed off into some nearby forest. I shouted defiance at the aliens and then ran off into the forest myself along with the few others who escaped with me. Next thing I know, I’m back in my friend’s room (who was playing video games there), and his other friends suddenly left the room…this is still my strange dream, by the way… Then he spoke in the alien voice, telling me of their ire at my escape. I replied with defiance again and promised to fight them forever…what followed over the next several weeks was a series of nightmares whereing I was doing that very thing–battling them in various ways–until one night they strangely asked me for help against one of their turncoat colleagues…equally strangely, I agreed, and together we brought down the turncoat, then I declared “peace”, and the nightmares stopped. I’ve thought nothing further of this strange dream until read thus article about the mas Houston abduction incident, which apparently occurred a few years after my dream, which oddly mirrored many of the same things THEY were witnessing…MY QUESTION IS, was my dream truly that, or was I myself abducted back in ’88/’89??? And If I WAS, then I wonder if any of those other abductees were told or found out about an earlier “escape” aboard that ship…???…

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