The Togo Beach UFO Incident – Paralysis, Blinding Lights, And Further Suggestions Of Underwater Bases

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
June 13, 2021
Last Updated
October 20, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
10 min read
Posted in
UFOs, Sightings

A strange UFO encounter on the coast of Togo in March 1974 is another incident that suggests UFOs have more of a connection to the waters of our planet than many might think. Furthermore, it is an event that features the bizarre paralysis of the witnesses – something that can be found in many other close encounter accounts. It would also appear that the witness, in this case, was largely very credible, especially given his wish for anonymity as opposed to relishing the limelight he would have found himself if he had made his identity public.

Sketch of the Togo beach encounter

Sketch of the Togo beach encounter

There were also several similar encounters around the same time, some of which reached as far as Europe, perhaps suggesting some kind of alien rec... have reached the limit of articles available to read for free this month. 

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Marcus Lowth

Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. He has been writing and researching with over 20 years of experience.

Marcus has been Editor-in-Chief for several years due to his excellent knowledge in these fields. Marcus also regularly appears as an expert on radio talk shows including Troubled Minds and Unexplained Radio discussing these topics.

Read Marcus' full bio.

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  • olga r bernal says:

    Soy una fiel creyente de los UFO, desde muy niña viviendo en una aldea , sin tecnología alguna , soñaba con estos temas , incluso ,me veía viajar dentro de una burbuja transparente sobre las copas de los árboles a gran , velocidad.
    Vi un objeto redondo de color rojo zigzaguear a gran velocidad y desaparecer en el cielo , he visto bolas de luces muy cerca y desaparecer a gran velocidad , muchas cosas raras me han pasado. Por esas razones , creo en la vida extraterrestre

    • Marcus Lowth says:

      For our English speaking readers I believe the translation to the above comment (thanks Olga) is as follows:
      I am a faithful believer in the UFO, since I was a child living in a village, without any technology, I dreamed of these issues, I even saw myself traveling inside a transparent bubble over the treetops at great speed.
      I saw a round red object zigzagging at high speed and disappearing into the sky, I have seen balls of lights very close and disappearing at high speed, many strange things have happened to me. For those reasons, I believe in alien life

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