The Conspiracies Of Al Bielek

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
December 16, 2018
Last Updated
September 23, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
19 min read
Posted in
Conspiracy Theory Analysis, Government

Al Bielek is one of the most interesting and controversial people of the twentieth century. At least to those of us in conspiracy circles. His claims are some of the most outrageous ever voiced, yet they are claims he made with all seriousness for decades since the early-1990s until the end of his life in 2011. Some have him as nothing more than a charlatan looking to gain monetarily from his wild tales. Others, on the other hand, see him as a valuable voice shining light on activities that are going on, and have been going on for over half a century.

Al Bielek blended into a depiction of a portal

Al Bielek

To examine the claims of Bielek, it is required that we examine once again such things as The Philadelphia Experiment, time-travel claims, as well as many of the alle... have reached the limit of articles available to read for free this month. 

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Marcus Lowth

Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. He has been writing and researching with over 20 years of experience.

Marcus has been Editor-in-Chief for several years due to his excellent knowledge in these fields. Marcus also regularly appears as an expert on radio talk shows including Troubled Minds and Unexplained Radio discussing these topics.

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  • hadinov says:

    We by now, know a little more about the secret government projects. There’s enough whistleblowers or family members of those involved in these programs (including CIA members etc) to be brave enough to tell the truth. The CIA has used drugs and other techniques in their mind control projects. The members of the CIA themselves have gone through programs to become controlled, programmed to have little compassion for Humanity. In my opinion, they were false memories planted in Bielek.
    Note the events that were supposed to have taken place from 2010 to 2016 (during the Obama Administration) that led to future of mankinds slavery, according to Bielek. That timeline was upset. They are trying to move faster now with the plans due to the delay. If he had actually travelled through time, he would have been privy to more facts. He claims he spent 20 years in the future. Right.
    The “memories” he supposedly had were only planted there in case he recalled the experience of the mind control program. He was meant to make everyone believe our fate was set, no matter what. I agree with Pius Milano who questioned that the world’s miltaries defeated the aliens with their far superior technology.
    The mind control scheme that was used to program CIA members may have also been used on other security officers in both Canada and Austrailia against the protesters. It was all too easy to beat the protesters, broken bones, facial and head wounds. Video did exist before Google began removing the footage.

  • Pius Milano says:

    I think Al Bielek actually did see and experience what he described but that it was ALL in his mind, like a vivid dream or trans – he was just a victim of a government experiment. He was always in a facility during this experiment.
    He went on to try to piece everything together and it’s purpose with no real life proof, evidence, and didn’t bring anything tangible back to the present or even remember anything in the future that he can bring to us to better our life – technology, cures, nothing, just a story that he experienced. Many things were fussy or he couldn’t explain or remember.
    He spent 6 weeks in the hospital in 2137 – he never left the building all during 2137. 2003 – 2005 all the problems started to happen. WWIII: China and Russia vs the USA and Europe in 2025? 2749 – 2751: no government – ruled by synthetic intelligence; floating cities – antigravity reverse system. over 2,000 floor buildings that travel from location to location. No Army, Navy, Airforce in USA but means of defending cities. Bielek could not remember any ‘new’ thing as far as gadgets or convenience. He didn’t see any cars or vehicle after being there for around 3 years. Only saw Caucasian race during this 3 year period. Never travelled outside the city during this time. Religion did not exist during this time. He went from 2751 to 2137 to pick up Duncan then went to 1983. Duncan in real life does not remember being in 2137 – Bielek said his memory was wiped. Traveled through time via an apparatus but doesn’t remember it or what it looked like.
    He said only about 300 million was the world population at the time with only about 50 million people living in the USA – due to WWIII, disease, … and War with Alien’s that like human flesh – the Alien’s were destroyed by the USA military and militia’s. USA being much more advanced in weapons than Alien’s. Hospital never asked for payment or insurance. The Montauk Project… too many things are not lined up with reality, or people’s actions if they can go to the future and come back to the past, for sure only things the Government wanted him to know and see he experienced.
    He had no self-awareness to bring a coin or something back to the present to prove his event. This was more like what is a reality is in a dream – just viewing and out of our control.

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